Example sentences of "[prep] his day [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Like other Vietnamese of his day he was given two names ; his first , ‘ sacred ’ name bestowed at birth was Nguyen Van Coong ( modification of Cung and meaning ‘ respectful ’ ) .
2 Cade founded no dynasty , but in his day he was a major operator in what R. H. Tawney [ q.v. ] called ‘ that seductive border region where business greases the wheels of politics and polite society smiles hopefully on both ’ .
3 In his day he was regarded as one of the principal authorities and his books : The Hereford Earthquake of December 17 , 1896 ( 1899 ) ; A Study of Recent Earthquakes ( 1905 ) ; The Origin of Earthquakes ( 1912 ) ; A Manual of Seismology ( 1921 ) ; A History of British Earthquakes ( 1924 ) ; The Founders of Seismology ( 1927 ) ; The Japanese Earthquakes of 1923 ( 1931 ) ; and Great Earthquakes ( 1936 ) remained useful sources of reference .
4 If , that is , ‘ It was a beautiful morning … ’ were said by someone capable of saying it , because in his day it was still possible , still not shopworn ?
5 But London was a puzzle ; for Bede had told us that in his day it was ‘ a mart of many peoples ’ , a trading centre for merchants from overseas as well as for native traffickers .
6 In his day it was factory smoke , not petrol ,
7 Blake was amazed at the discussion and how these men could talk about a whole planet in one conversation ; in his day it was not unusual for a conversation to centre solely on one part of London , and only in times of war was England ever considered as a single entity under threat .
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