Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She must wait until after his seduction before she made herself known to him .
2 His father died a few months after his birth and his grandmother then ruled as regent .
3 A man serving in the R.A.F. wrote to say that he was deeply indebted to the doctors and nurses who had looked after his wife when she had been admitted with a complicated confinement , which had needed an operation .
4 But Black , of Durranhill Road , Carlisle , was stopped again by police after his release as he drove along a narrow country lane .
5 Mr Reynolds needed the nasogastric tube for 4 days after his operation because he developed a paralytic ileus and it was not until the fourth post-operative day that the bowel began to work .
6 ‘ Son of Thatcher ’ may have provided a holding position in the first days after his election but it has no life left in it .
7 Hywel looks after his sheep because they are here .
8 He showed an exceptional and sustaining dedication to his art in the face of personal loneliness and critical indifference ; it was only after his death that he emerged as a vital influence on writers of the generation of Evelyn Waugh , W. H. Auden [ qq.v. ] , and Anthony Powell .
9 Howard 's accounts received such widespread attention at the time and are still read two hundred years after his death because he so precisely ‘ set down matter of fact ’ .
10 In the UK the death of Freddie Mercury , 45 , of the rock group Queen , was announced in late November shortly after his declaration that he did have AIDS ; he was the latest of a number of celebrated musicians and other artists to die from AIDS .
11 Dr Livesey went to London , to find another doctor to look after his patients while he was away .
12 Bourne , who worked as a driver and minder to for Heidari , was said to have admitted after his arrest that he had thrown the liquid into Michelle 's face , but had thought it was ‘ soapy water ’ .
13 I 'd also recorded Neil Kinnock 's speech after his count and I managed to freeze the frame on the exact moment when she almost cried as he paid tribute to his wife for her dignity under the onslaught of the tabloid press .
14 What , what , what he said no doubt P C was looking after his troops and he was n't paying as much attention to what I was doing as I was taking .
15 ‘ He looks after his body and his fitness levels are as good as the 20 year olds if not better .
16 But eventually , at the Chancery Court in Newcastle , Langbaurgh Council obtained an injunction against his Sunday trading in the borough despite his plea that it was an infringement of his liberty .
17 Despite his pride and his knowledge of her prejudice against him , he takes the risk of declaring his affection and allows Eliza to pour scorn on him and on any idea of love between them .
18 But despite his qualities and his achievements he has looked like yesterday 's man for some time .
19 Fen kept going for what seemed like ages and , despite his statement that they had to talk , he seemed disinclined for conversation .
20 DESPITE HIS assertion that he is not anti-Japanese ( Business column , June ) , it is difficult to see Jeffrey Ferry 's article as anything other than yet another petulant cry at the temerity of these Japanese — for being good at business when they do n't look like us , behave like us or even speak the language properly .
21 The emperor attended the première , and seemed to approve , despite his observation that it had too many notes ( ‘ Just as many as are necessary , your majesty , ’ Mozart is said to have replied ) .
22 Despite his age and his narrow election as Chancellor he soon established himself firmly in Bonn , dominating his new Cabinet , whilst his political opponents were weak : the non-coalition parties in the Bundestag were divided among themselves and neither the Communists nor the various conservative groups proved willing to combine with the SPD , whose socialist programme alienated many .
23 She could tell he was relieved to be let off the hook if even for only a few minutes , despite his words as they 'd come downstairs .
24 Despite his claim that he does not make things into ideas but only ideas into things , the feeling remains , as , in effect , Berkeley concedes , that ‘ all that is real and substantial … is banished out of the world ’ , and that everything has been made into ‘ so many chimeras and illusions on the fancy ’ .
25 He wanted to look around for Carter despite his fear that he might see him .
26 " And everywhere he is in chains ! " cried the Collector urgently in his delirium , causing both young ladies to turn anxiously towards his bed but it was nothing , merely a passing fancy in his overheated brain .
27 In this case , the sooner I remove young Svend from Suzie the siren , and make him aware of his responsibilities towards his parents and his own future , the sooner I can resume a normal life !
28 He spoke with the gentle cruelty he could show towards his models and which made some of them call him Charley the Knife .
29 If his head tends to drop forward towards his plate as he eats , it may help to put the plate on a raised block on the table to reduce the distance from plate to face .
30 He was turning back towards his car when he looked back with a casual afterthought .
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