Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was a shy , lonely man who married the nearest thing to hand , which happened to be Nancy , the entertaining redhead who looked after his fingernails in the barber 's shop at the Dorchester .
2 He knew he would have to go in search of extra newspaper before the pains came again , but first he must rest and regain his strength after his exertions in the bathroom .
3 They say that ‘ nothing happens to the bad ‘ uns ’ , but it seemed unbelievable that misfortune should strike Arthur yet again directly after his triumphs at the Horse of The Year Show .
4 And I can tell you , buddy boy , that he 's Persona non grata with the US vehicle divisions after his comments about the future European trend toward smaller fuel economy vehicles at the EPC meeting . ’
5 ‘ He rates Richard as one of the best central defenders in the world after his performances in the European Championship finals . ’
6 Morag Taylor , who plotted to murder her husband has been sentenced to community service after his pleas to the judge not to imprison her .
7 Until two years ago he was , despite his flirtations with the Soviet Union , seen as an ally in President Reagan 's obsessional war against the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua .
8 Even Max Morris , despite his comments on the contents of the document , warned against belittling the importance of the debate on the curriculum .
9 Despite his pleas to the peasants of the Maramureş to preserve their traditions , Ceauşescu , like for instance Khruschev , had the ex-peasant 's contempt for those still stuck in the rural rut .
10 Hamilton , it turns out , despite his observances of the Wellport era , has no great liking for churches .
11 Clinton also admitted that , despite his objections to the war , he did not wish to resist the draft because he had already planned a political career and , therefore , wished " to maintain my political viability within the system " .
12 Despite his tuggings with the wrench he could n't get the screw to shift .
13 Despite his utterances during the brief encounter with Toby , Dominic had actually been surprised to be offered the job .
14 One of the highest scoring fighter pilots of the Battle of Britain , Bob Doe has written an interesting book that goes a good deal further than describing some of his exploits in the Battle .
15 For a moment , it appeared that his intransigence might pay off : many of his opponents in the MRP and Socialist Party were on the verge of losing their nerve and submitting to his ultimatum .
16 Up to now , he had always competed in the skating events and had escorted one of his classmates to the Teens ' Square Dance , held well away from the elegant ball .
17 Unable to stop worrying about the fate of his dependents in The Hague , he decided to go on a trip down the canal on a peat barge ; anything to distract himself .
18 Graham Greene regarded Rider Haggard 's greatest achievement that he ‘ fixed pictures in our minds that thirty years have been unable to wear away ’ and he defined the sphere of imagination when he wrote of his memories of the characters in the Quatermain novels :
19 In order to persuade them , Richard Baxter felt he had to tell them of his concerns about the army and the reasons why he felt he must go .
20 They had in fact used material gathered by him , and some of his reflections of the sanctity of marriage , in their pastoral letter on marriage in the previous year .
21 Here British cubemaster David Singmaster draws together some of his reflections on the cube phenomenon
22 Mill 's answer to the question , ‘ What does it mean to say that something is white ? ’ arises out of his reflections on the representative theory of perception .
23 Coleridge 's Welsh visit , by contrast , was perhaps the least significant part of his wanderings during the next few weeks , and almost from the moment he left Cambridge , his simple plans for what he called his ‘ peregrination ’ began to grow more complex .
24 Inside , the god is reciting his pa eli , the story of his wanderings through the earth before he settled in the village .
25 Gibbons is believed to be planning a realignment of portfolios , elevating the environment and lowering the life sciences in the OSTP hierarchy , but only one of his choices for the four vacant associate directorships has as yet been cleared by the White House and nominated by the president .
26 The most notable consequences of the new Soviet initiative were that in 1975 Mexico signed an agreement with Comecon , and trade with both Argentina and Brazil reached a peak in 1981 when both countries refused to take part in the grain embargo introduced by Resident Carter as one of his sanctions against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan .
27 Only by looking at what happened can one begin to form a judgement , though , as will be seen , there are conflicting views as to what caused the final catastrophe , while the principal actor in the events has even had doubts cast upon the authenticity of his claims to the leading role .
28 He listened intently , trying to collect his thoughts away from the past of his dreams to the present of reality .
29 He was indefatigable in confirming all who came to him as he moved around the countryside , and in his moments of leisure he wrote the longest of his Meditations on the theme of Cur Deus Homo , and his De Conceptu Virginali as a sequel to this work .
30 At their last meeting a line had been reached , and despite the urgings of his senses at the time , he was not sure that they wanted to cross it .
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