Example sentences of "[prep] what have to be " in BNC.

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1 In other words , Mendel 's theory was a ‘ model ’ of what had to be there to generate the observed behaviour .
2 It mingled , clashed with the equally cold sense of duty , the detached knowledge of what had to be done .
3 It turned out to be Pion , holding a tray of what had to be … fruit , Masklin decided .
4 Instead , she 'd become a member of what had to be a rather exclusive club .
5 ‘ When you ask these people ‘ What were the most important factors in your success ? ’ , they all say the main aspects were the importance of teamworking between all contributors , the clear identification of what had to be achieved for success .
6 It must be said , however , that despite the beautiful detail of Piaget 's behavioural descriptions , his picture of the mental reorganizations underlying behavioural change was painted with a very broad brush ( by present-day standards ) ; and indeed the assimilation-accommodation model is little more than a description of what has to be explained , awaiting , what we now call , a ‘ computational model ’ .
7 No mention of what has to be taken out to make the bubbles ‘ natural ’ .
8 ‘ IF you liked Planes , Trains and Automobiles — you 'll love this , ’ says the cover of what has to be the most banal video of the month .
9 Sometimes this is no more than a description of what has to be done but sometimes it incorporates how the operator does it or should do it .
10 The difficulty , then , with all the cases I have discussed — and with a large number of other disputes of a like kind — is that each side argues past the other by assuming the truth of what has to be proved .
11 Any sort of housing standard to be effective must be given the force of law , but the sad lesson of history is that specific words of the law , while intended in spirit to be a minimum statement of what is acceptable , are usually interpreted and followed as the maximum of what has to be achieved in practice .
12 He pushed open a beautiful old oak door into what had to be the drawing-room .
13 What they 're able to do with that money this year and in that way we can make a reasonable assessment as to what has to be done next year and the years after and budget all , but we 're talking about how they 're going to spend the money that we 've just earlier on voted for , for us so that we can see what is being done and also that the public can see because after all this all came up , the report to the ombudsman and the public will not be satisfied about our performance on that .
14 It was any time between nine and one , depending on what had to be done .
15 The exercise , they say , was useful in concentrating the mind on what had to be done .
16 He just stood there , staring past me , his arm flung out in front of him and his attention fixed on what had to be the assistant manager of the National Westminster Bank , Mitcham .
17 In this perspective political reform of the State was therefore largely irrelevant since what had to be reformed was the complex order of which the State and law were only epiphenomena .
18 If , on the other hand , you knew much more about what had to be done to solve the problem than the other person , then communicating clearly and testing the other person 's understanding would be higher priorities .
19 We do not really have to think about what has to be done .
20 Methods of curriculum planning are inseparable from teachers ' thinking about what has to be planned , and the arrival of the National Curriculum is dictating a much more considered and long-term approach than was adopted in at least some of the classrooms we visited ( NCC 1989 , 1991 ; Alexander et al .
21 ‘ Fit for what has to be done here . ’
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