Example sentences of "[prep] this [noun sg] [vb mod] only " in BNC.

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1 Players registered after this date will only be eligible for League matches with Management Committee permission .
2 The positive inclination [ of the Greeks ] towards this discordance can only mean [ that they found ] a higher pleasure in it — especially as [ the period in question was ] the period of [ their ] youth and vigour .
3 Seldom in history has a work of fiction had such influence in forming public attitudes and the full fruit of this influence would only be recognized in 1861 : it was Lincoln himself who would refer to the little lady who started the war .
4 It said that further technical measures of this kind will only lead to increases in carbon dioxide emissions .
5 Formulas of this kind can only be the starting point in a process which always demands a sophisticated approach .
6 As things stand , a dilemma of this kind can only be resolved through the use of cumbersome legal machinery which is not appropriate to the situation .
7 When ownership is transferred the system resets the status flag to appropriate values and members of this group need only examine those entries flagged for attention .
8 A review of this length can only touch on its range .
9 The appallingly self-centred nature of this conclusion can only rebound against the man who has uttered it , and Shakespeare was too sensitive a poet and human being to be blind to such a reader reaction .
10 … ( 8 ) A statement by a person in response to a requirement imposed by virtue of this section may only be used in evidence against him — ( a ) on a prosecution for an offence under subsection ( 14 ) below ; or ( b ) on a prosecution for some other offence where in giving evidence he makes a statement inconsistent with it .
11 A person who fails to comply with this rule can only appear at the hearing with leave of the court ( r 6.23(4) ) .
12 In many cases , following the advice , particularly with regard to sleep , will initially be against the ‘ natural ’ dictates of the body clock , but , as we have explained , obeying the body clock in this case will only prolong the difficulties in living with the new time zone .
13 ‘ Her actions in this incident can only be commended .
14 Why the whale should sport with the helpless pup in this way can only be guessed .
15 Those who see any change in the traditional way of life as a disaster will fear that meeting the challenge of change in this way will only speed the decay of the rural way of life .
16 They will always be eligible bank bills and not true trade bills and their nomenclature in this context can only be described as a kind of shorthand and corresponds to the requirement that they must be drawn for transaction not capital purposes .
17 Such entry could be extremely disruptive to the tenant and the following proviso may be advisable : Anyone entering the Premises under any of the provisions contained in this Lease shall only do so if the purpose of such entry can not reasonably be achieved otherwise than by effecting entry on to the Premises and any person or persons entering the Premises pursuant to the provisions of this Lease shall cause the minimum of disturbance to the business being carried on in the Premises and shall not in any event prevent such business from being carried on and shall forthwith make good all damage caused by such entry
18 A change in this situation can only be brought about by a change in attitude throughout the profession .
19 Further changes to this DC may only be made by the new user associated with it .
20 The achievement of such a skill by a pupil in response to this question could only be recorded if the method was known .
21 Baker was told that human rights were an internal matter ; Yang Shangkun , warning that pressure on this issue would only lead to increased tension , suggested " seeking common ground while reserving differences " to improve relations .
22 The Revenue stated that a decision on this issue could only be made in the light of all the facts of a particular case .
23 However , I am convinced that a further review of the industry at this stage would only create additional uncertainty , which would not be in the interests of the industry , the tenants or the customers .
24 In the case of the substantive apple , it is obvious that the lexeme evoked by this word can only be applied to objects of our experience which are by nature apples : it can not be said of a pen or an eraser .
25 Hambros Jersey contended that the jurisdiction conferred by this rule can only properly be exercised by analogy to R.S.C. , Ord. 11 , so that leave should not be granted unless the case falls within one of the paragraphs of Ord. 11 , r. 1(1) .
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