Example sentences of "[prep] this [noun sg] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 It is best NOT to sing a hymn during this procession so that the emphasis is on the action of GIVING .
2 Sometimes if the strip is long enough , the bird will reverse direction during this process so that the strip is looped back and woven parallel to itself .
3 I mean it 's as simple as that , and I Colonel 's comments , saying how hard done by Wiltshire police constabulary could be next year because we have n't set over the odds budget for this year so that the Home Secretary can take it on .
4 It is for this reason therefore that I think that sector six is more likely to threaten coalescence with existing communities than sectors one or two .
5 It was through this cautio alone that a legal relationship was established between the legatee and the intended beneficiary of the purpose .
6 At higher frequencies the transmission clearly falls below this value so that the circuit behaves as a low-pass filter .
7 Er , I 'm personally glad to see the appearance of this document so that we can clarify the situation with regards to these conferences .
8 Thank you chairman , erm , I 've heard what Mr said then I think it is worth reminding ourselves that a significant number of members of this council are new to this council and it 's therefore quite right and proper that in the first year of the business of this council that there should be a significant number of seminars and briefings to enable members to fully acquaint themselves with the business of the council the working of the er , operations of this council so that we can in fact make informed decisions er in the future .
9 The Regional Committees will be informed immediately of this selection so that they can take it into account when making their own choices .
10 The ABC formula ( see page 39 ) will help you analyse the antecedents of this behaviour so that you can discover how to regain control .
11 Whilst an anonymous approach is accepted practice , the purchaser should be advised of the negative features of this approach so that it can consider whether its need for initial anonymity is warranted .
12 Indeed , I shall try to maintain the dry and dusty nature of this column so that we return to more arcane matters of corporate credit in the next issue .
13 However the collapse of the wavepacket does not seem to carry information of this kind so that there does not appear to be a prima facie case of contradiction .
14 She was only too anxious to get out of this room now that her employer had ‘ shown her true colours ’ as Araminta had promised she would .
15 Relatives should be allowed to stay with the resident throughout this time so that they are not left alone .
16 Rubella ( German measles ) can cause devastating damage to the fetus in early pregnancy and girls who have not had an attack of this disease by the age of puberty are offered immunisation against this virus so that any baby conceived would be protected , although this should soon be rare in the UK because from 1988 , MMR ( measles , mumps , rubella ) protection has been available to all infants .
17 It is against this background therefore that I would like to state what I see as the relevance of Christianity to political economy .
18 It was just the thought of coping with this quantity alone that had me momentarily rattled , ’ she admitted with truth , then added with a hint of defiance , ‘ But if Stella can do it , I can do it . ’
19 But I hope that we will widen the net with this project so that people wo n't be scared to come forward . ’
20 His sperm ducts empty into this pouch so that the eggs are quickly and efficiently fertilised .
21 ( 3 ) On good cause being shown , the sheriff may hear an appeal under this section notwithstanding that it was not lodged within the time mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) above .
22 Where practical we 've chosen to repeat information or at least summarise pertinent details within this volume so that you should n't need to keep swapping from one book to another .
23 But there is no pivot available in this row so that LP10 , and therefore problem 10 , is infeasible .
24 In normal development , the cells may act in this way so that the developing baby is not attacked by the mother 's defence system .
25 So I am pleading that the panel really take a great deal of effort in this leaflet so that it is going to be easily understood by even the people who are less well educated than some of us .
26 Whether heterozygosity is protective could have an important bearing on genetic counselling in this disease now that presymptomatic detection of this and other mutations in the prion protein gene is possible .
27 And with this in this thing now that B M K's in , every had got to be spot on .
28 A control non-diabetic group was not recruited in this study so that it was not possible to determine whether the prevalence of hypertension in diabetics was greater than in non-diabetics .
29 It was in this period too that a club 's control over a player was first challenged in the law courts .
30 ( We will refer to P1 as P1* in this section so that tableaux are distinguished from those in Section 11.2 . )
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