Example sentences of "[prep] this side [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's something a bit seedy about this side of the canteen , I 'm afraid , ’ she began , lighting a cigarette .
2 There is no dispute about this side of the interpretation , nor with the conclusion that the offshore deposits are mainly developed to the north and the fluviatile ( continental ) deposits to the south .
3 At least he 'd fallen off this side of the wall , he would n't have to jump it again .
4 ‘ I 'm going to say something to you now and I want you to promise me something , for I 'm not long for this side of the curtain . ’
5 But Clare seemed to know nothing of this side of the relationship between her brother and her cousin .
6 Something to do with this side of the water .
7 He watched me intently , eyes narrowed against the sun which struck into this side of the courtyard , waiting for me to give a reasonable answer , which was foolish of him .
8 The other side showed the same ear of barley , in reverse , a template to cast the image ; if you pressed candle wax into this side of the coin , you would get an impression of the other face .
9 The small bi-plane wobbled over the oaks and the elms , banked at the north end of the ha-ha and started to descend towards the huge lawn which ran , treeless along this side of the house between terrace and park .
10 ‘ On my way down I sent a message to the sheriff 's office at the Guildhall and asked for two cursitors to make diligent inquiries amongst the taverns and stews along this side of the river .
11 From this side of the Atlantic , the pointless remake of Wuthering Heights looks like a deliberate attempt to finish off British film ( crap dialogue , laughable Barnsley-by-the-Seine accent from Juliette Binoche and Sinéad O'Connor as Emily Brönte ) .
12 Seen from this side of the Channel , French rugby politics seem complicated and obscure .
13 Following the US launch of UnixWare ( UX No 406 ) , Univel Inc 's European representatives say a revenue stream from this side of the Atlantic will not begin to flow for at least three months .
14 You do n't look the same from this side of the light Brenda .
15 From this side of the Atlantic we may raise our eyebrows at the opportunities for obstruction and procrastination and the constant search for the lowest common denominator , but arguably these are part of the price of freedom and democracy in the American context .
16 Reading Lucas 's article from this side of the Atlantic at a time when unemployment in Britain seems about to hit a post-war high , one is tempted to conclude that there may , after all , be a grain of truth in the mischievous quip attributed to Oscar Wilde : Britain and America are united by a common culture but separated by a common language .
17 We pointed out them from this side of the house er the local government 's finance act does impose both duties .
18 Such aspirations , and such a view of the inter-relationship of librarians and educators , are not confined to this side of the Atlantic .
19 On this side of the Channel , we mill them to obtain a flour .
20 Her substantial and brilliant book A Rhetoric of the Unreal uses the work of French intellectual stars in a familiar and matter-of-fact way , without any of the bedazzlement that surrounds them on this side of the Channel .
21 Present planning , however , on this side of the Channel will not provide our industrial and commerical community with a reasonable chance of exploiting new opportunites in Europe .
22 It is a view increasingly shared by players on this side of the Equator .
23 But no great impact had been made on this side of the Channel .
24 Their win , in so many ways , epitomised the Eighties on this side of the Atlantic .
25 On this side of the Atlantic , it has been shortlisted for the Irish Times Prize ( which , unlike the Booker , has the courage to include authors from the US ) .
26 He reminded the House that the police had been given forty-eight hours notification of the proposed route : ‘ Honourable members on this side of the House who in this respect are charging him [ Paisley ] with gross civic and social irresponsibility must also charge the police with exactly the same thing . ’
27 On this side of the Channel we tend to think of Bonington very differently .
28 Existing Golf diesels are sold out , and the first 1992 models with the new larger body in right-hand-drive form began arriving on this side of the Channel last month .
29 He was the first son of Northern Dancer to make the grade on this side of the Atlantic .
30 There was no handle on this side of the door .
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