Example sentences of "[prep] this [noun] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 Much credit for this transformation is given to team manager Barry Perkins , a genial and bespectacled Cockney who commutes each week between Richmond and the smoke .
2 The potential function for this case is given as
3 A detailed layout for this room is given in Map 10 .
4 The purpose of this document is to give sufficient information to potential suppliers so that they may estimate the cost to Oxford University Press of acquiring and using systems and services .
5 Evidence about the execution of this document was given by Mr. Morgan and Miss Calagarri .
6 A clear and detailed historical account of this event is given by Ammianus Marcellinus , who has always been accepted as one of the more reliable of the ancient historians , although it has been recently pointed out by Professor Malcolm Todd that Theodosius I was the patron of Marcellinus , who can hardly be blamed for enlarging on the achievements of the father of the Emperor .
7 A detailed explanation of this correction is given in our book and was approved recently by Age and Ageing : ‘ If you do not feel confident that you understand the Gompertz-Makeham equation , nor the distinction between age-specific mortality and the force-of-mortality , then this book is a must for you . ’
8 In fact it turned out that the size of this quantum was given not by h but by h divided by 2π , a quantity denoted by ħ and pronounced " aitch bar " or " aitch slash " or often ( because it really is the natural unit ) just " aitch " .
9 The purpose of this Commissioner is to give assistance to members of the public wishing to sue a trade union if their supply of goods or services is affected by industrial action .
10 The general value of this ratio is given by pF 1 /F s , where F s is the current price of one S&P500 index future ( $180 000 ) , F l is the current price of one NYSE Composite index future ( $100 000 ) , and p is the proportion of the market value of the shares quoted on the NYSE that is accounted for by companies in the S&P500 index ( 0.80 ) .
11 An account of this scheme is given in Munday and Mallinson ( 1983 ) and in Cameron 's ( 1987 ) study of build and refurbish for sale in the North East ( I am grateful to Stuart Cameron of Newcastle University for his generous provision of materials ) .
12 Within a few minutes of this treatment being given , he was able to button up his coat .
13 The outcome of this development was to give Christianity something of the character of a ‘ book religion ’ , a concept hardly known to the pagan world but significant in Judaism .
14 More details of this notation were given above in 13.3.4 .
15 The purpose of this approach is to give students the opportunity of developing a range of mathematical skills and strategies which can then be applied in the formal investigation .
16 Beneath the protective glass lies , imprisoned , flattened , a circle of Venetian lace , elaborate , fine , rose embossed , cream coloured , expensive , hand worked , beautiful , useless : a gift , though not of this year 's giving .
17 A flowchart of this algorithm is given in Appendix D ( flowchart D3 ) .
18 A useful review of some of this work is given in Anon. ( 1982a ) and only a summary is presented here .
19 The impact of this decision is to give the police greater freedom to arrest in the public interest and correspondingly to devalue the liberty of the individual .
20 The seventeenth-century diarist Samuel Pepys , in one of his less endearing passages , describes witnessing the chilling effects of this toxin being given experimentally to a hapless dog in a London gentleman 's club .
21 since the poles of this function are given by where p is any integer including zero , which is equivalent to rejecting poles in the positive half of the s-plane reveals that the transfer function to be provided is or Two reactive components are needed to achieve second-order response and so the relevant low-pass filter in conjunction with the load resistance R is as shown in figure 12.2(a) .
22 Examples of this sense are given from Addison and Pope .
23 Then according to Newton 's second law of motion the acceleration a of this mass is given by .
24 The composition of this formula is given in Table 1 .
25 The purpose of this statement is to give sufficient information to the Computer Group for it to provide an outline design for the New OED computer system .
26 The exterior form is most clearly apparent when viewed from the campanile : a drawing of this view is given in Fig. 208 .
27 The purpose of the rest of this book is to give you the information you need to compile the missing nutritional manual that will tell you what is just right for your body .
28 The object of this book is to give one person 's view on the possible causes of the present situation and to stimulate discussion , hoping that new and , if necessary , radical ideas are created in the spirit that it is better to express a constructive view rather than to passively accept a disagreeable situation with discontent .
29 Further details of this acquisition are given in note 25 on page 54 .
30 The aim of this option is to give students a broad understanding of modern and contemporary Europe , with special reference to the process of Western European integration , the main developments in Eastern Europe , and the place of Europe in the wider world .
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