Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
2 He accuses the Americans of being xenophobic : ‘ It 's very difficult for the Americans because it 's most unusual for them to adopt a standard not written by the American National Standards Institute ( ANSI ) .
3 It 's as difficult for the stewards as it is for us , ’ he said .
4 Physically and erm emotionally writing can be very isolating and so , for example a few years ago , I was writing a huge piece on Africa about Africa and I found emotions growing that I actually did n't have names for , erm and it made it impossible to finish the piece I was working on , and then I , I went to see an Afro Asian exhibition of art and I saw portraying some of these paintings the same emotions and it , it did n't give me a name for the emotions but it , it made me feel an awful lot less isolated seeing that erm other people have also , have also felt this .
5 Life was fraught enough for the Stevenses as it was , with the constant care of Jennifer , without her adding to their problems , and besides , she had come to value her privacy and her independence .
6 But I I would n't er if I hear of a girl getting pregnant er you know now now it 's a very common thing I know , but sometimes I feel really sorry for the girls because it 's tying yourself fifteen , sixteen tying yourself down to children .
7 The second trial was going well for the Masons when it , too , was stopped after 11 weeks .
8 Jungle Boy and City Girl reach for the stars but it ca n't last , can it ?
9 again which they 've had have n't they ? , for how many weeks in the year do you actually attend cos I said that you do n't get grant for the holidays and it stipulates the term
10 There was an added incentive this year for the students as it was their last opportunity to catch the eye of Sue Rich , captain and selector of the British Team for the World Student Games which take place later this year .
11 With this in mind we have undertaken this year a review of the management team and staff resources with the objective of ensuring that LCCIEB is prepared for the challenges that it is likely to meet in the future .
12 It 's OK for the authorities because it 's not them you 're looking at — you wo n't be walking the beat with them .
13 It is recognised that these are important aspects of the learning and teaching approaches for the modules and it is recommended that they are used for formative assessment .
14 Well I 've got the window back in and working with the hand thing but I need drills to drill holes for the fittings and it really
15 How many come out and vote for the MPs when it comes to , when it comes to the er elections ?
16 ‘ It would seem the £100m needed to build the jail would be a ripe contender for the cuts and it wo n't go ahead for the next financial year at least . ’
17 ‘ It would seem the £100m needed to build the jail would be a ripe contender for the cuts and it wo n't go ahead for the next financial year at least . ’
18 Nor can I forgive her for having blocked Moira 's appointment as BBC Governor for the Arts after it had been cleared by the Home Office .
19 The organisation would be unable to respond positively to as many requests for financial help for the arts as it would have liked .
20 Public opinion is growing too large for the channels that it has been accustomed to run through . ’
21 Most fortunately for the Allies as it turned out , since within days Falkenhayn was to unleash all his troops from the area of fallen Antwerp , together with supplementary formations of volunteers , stiffened by regulars , in a massive stroke down the coastline , with the object of encircling the sanguine Joffre 's left flank .
22 It would be nice for the children when it was done , she thought .
23 Militarisation worked for the Nazis as it had for the Prussians in that it helped control large numbers of people , allowed a cheap and easy growth of populist emotion and nationalist identity and became the mainspring of industry by providing demand .
24 Also engineers are singled out here as the culprits when it could well have been social ( and technically incompetent ) scientists !
25 Here they have been positioned between the strings and it is attention to minor details like these which make companies like Ibanez worthy of the laurels heaped upon them .
26 There should be a decent gap between the columns and it is often useful to place a vertical line in the middle of this gap , so physically preventing the eye straying from one to the other .
27 Lack of an alternative summer team sport protected cricket between the wars and it benefited from a brief post-1945 resurgence in numbers , but then numbers fell so dramatically that by 1965 they stood at about a third of the post-1945 years .
28 The reference may be invalid because there has been no agreement between the parties that it should take place .
29 I must advise the Minister that that is not what the construction industry is saying to others about the problems that it is facing .
30 ‘ And you did n't want her to know about the letters because it would rake it all up again ? ’
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