Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Minister agree that that — and the practice of sending vexatious summonses to people who have paid their bills , and who are being forced to pay £12 a head for the privilege of receiving such a summons — must be altered if people are to have any confidence in the system ?
2 She will have no idea what she did for me , nor for many others , but I still give thanks and a great cheer for the privilege of meeting that little grandmother from Lancashire .
3 Back in Britain a year or two later , I was one of a panel collected to perform before a group of young Americans who were paying Richard Demarco , Edinburgh 's most flamboyant cultural entrepreneur , for the privilege of drinking the wisdom of the New Scottish Enlightenment at source .
4 I 'm paying seventy-five dollars a week to American Actors ’ Equity just for the privilege of acting on stage here .
5 It 's only the beginning for me but I thank God for the privilege of serving him this way .
6 He once claimed to me that he was able to open a beer bottle with his eye and that it would cost me $29 for the privilege of seeing the trick .
7 Here in a land where you expect Lapp to fight Norwegian for the privilege of staying Lappish , Lapp was fighting Lapp for the privilege of being Norwegian rather than Swedish .
8 For the privilege of staying within the rules and not fully ‘ inside ’ , she paid the marshal of the prison ten guineas .
9 But drivers already pay — substantially — for the privilege of using their cars .
10 Large companies such as Coca Cola , Mars and many others pay a great deal of money for the privilege of using the logo .
11 TWO MILLION employees and directors of British firms will face higher bills for the privilege of using their company cars following the Chancellor 's decision to tax this perk at its true value .
12 The lining of the vaginal walls can be tightened by the use of astringents such as alum , and indeed in days gone by prostitutes used to use this to fake virginity for customers who were willing to pay an extra premium for the privilege of deflowering a virgin .
13 It seems odd that I should be expected to pay for the privilege of assisting in this way , in particular , as I doubt that these changes will alleviate the falling numbers of applicants to medical schools in the UK .
14 They charged their hapless school mates a penny for the privilege of sporting a Sen product .
15 The Sony ‘ Watchman ’ , already launched in Japan and the US , is rumoured ( mainly by the manufacturers ) to command a black market price of $ 1000 for the privilege of watching a 50 mm screen .
16 Mr Jefferies is helping the US Government prosecute GAF not merely because he is a public spirited citizen but in order to be able to swap a prison sentence for the privilege of teaching children to play golf in Aspen , Colorado .
17 How much trouble are we prepared to go to for the privilege of sharing our lives with feline companions ?
18 They will take you half a mile for a packet of Marlboros — for a carton , they 'll fight each other for the privilege of taking you all the way ( eighteen miles ) out to Sheremtyevo airport .
19 After paying entrance fees , they often found themselves out of pocket to the tune of £1,000 , just for the privilege of taking part .
20 And a fifty pound fee for the privilege of taking photographs of him was hardly likely to win him friends among the assembled media .
21 Bestie and Marsh were joined by ex-Manchester United boss , Wilf McGuinness , at Friday 's sporting luncheon when 350 fans paid out £25 each for the privilege of hearing their idols speak .
22 But whereas amateur athletes often compete just for the privilege of winning , retailers compete for customers and profit .
23 On mentioning that I was not happy to pay for a second hour of parking , for the privilege of waiting for their delayed train , I was told ‘ That 's no problem .
24 Originally they had to drop a rank for the privilege of joining .
25 On top of the not inconsiderable investment of £41,000 for the privilege of joining the club , members have to stump up over £1,000 a year in dues .
26 He may have been persuaded to pay a large sum of money ( perhaps hundreds or thousands of pounds ) for the privilege of joining .
27 He invited his clients to pay for the privilege of cutting his locks and raised £1,000 for the Chest Heart and Stroke Association .
28 I Pressed home the usual arguments about duty and not fighting the war for the privilege of going to the cinema .
29 The Austrian Empire , the Russian Empire , the French Republic , ‘ poor little Belgium ’ , everybody fought for the privilege of committing social and collective suicide on a spectacular scale , and for no particular reason .
30 You will be able to enjoy the spectacle of two fresh claimants fighting for the privilege of occupying the coveted post of Executioner .
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