Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Isay helped him dress for the banquet that evening , showing no resentment at having to double as valet as well as bodyguard .
2 All the boats were getting ready for the regatta that afternoon , bailing out dinghies , coiling ropes , and smells of food frying wafted across the smell of the estuary .
3 There has been reference in the Selby area for the likelihood that land initially allocated for industry will in fact be taken up for a supermarket .
4 New Year 's day , 1945 , was no holiday for Sugar and the other crews at Waddington , for the target that night was the Gravenhorst-Mittelland canal , but on the return bad weather again forced Sugar to divert to Scotland , this time to Lossiemouth .
5 By contrast , the bird mentioned in ( 19 ) must be one selected from a group present to the mind of the speaker in the situation of utterance ; this adjective can not be non-restrictive : ( 19 ) the largest parrot made a good supper for the expedition that evening The extraction set in this case might be the parrots we had shot that day .
6 Robert had a headache and stayed behind : he wanted to be well enough for the Opera that evening .
7 Christmas Day was fairly quiet for the family that year on account of the fact that the old man had n't returned from the front as the officer had promised .
8 They argued about the hound that evening , and as they argued Stapleton told her about Mrs Lyons .
9 About the school that time ?
10 And then what about , what 's interesting about the way that speech ends ?
11 Laurie Mains , the All Black coach , was plainly displeased at Schuler 's decision , for it came about the time that Mains was hoping rugby league scouts might not be chasing his All Blacks in the next few months .
12 The device is located centrally because the chemical can be distributed more quickly through the brain that way .
13 My Lord it may help to say that if your Lordship does this reading my Lord , I do n't intend to take your Lordship through the documents any more myself in opening , because I think once your Lordship has has seen the extent of it , I 'm going to call Mr to give evidence and go to through the documentation that way , once .
14 You 'll find you soon get through the day that way , and you 're occupied all the time which is the important thing . ’
15 And how many more children slip through the net that way ?
16 He decided to put his two drip-dry shirts through the washer that night .
17 Turnbull explains through the interpreter that time is short ; it is late ; there is a great war on with the Germans .
18 A little parcel had arrived through the post that morning from the old people 's home at Tower Hamlets .
19 Well this this of course erm shuts off the freezer that thing .
20 There was a slight tremor to the hand she had raised , as if she could hold off the madness that way , and she dropped it swiftly as she absorbed the hardness of his saturnine face and the overt demand glittering hotly in his eyes .
21 I 'll give you another , it 's reckoned that ninety million tons of water , I 'll repeat that , ninety million tons of water , sufficient to supply the needs of this immediate area for over a hundred years , cascaded down off the moor that morning .
22 These combinations , as they are called , involve simple one-step punching and blocking techniques , but even of beginners a greater variety of kicks is expected , nor surprisingly in view of the emphasis that taekwondo places upon them .
23 The opinion of the child that morning , and of Timothy Gedge , was an opinion shared by the greater part of Dynmouth : there were the shreds of a traditional respect for his calling , and then impatience , occasionally contempt .
24 In that little crucible of the theatre that story was demonstrated , that here were people of phenomenal talent , with an enormous amount to give , with the tremendous burning desire to express their feelings and their attitudes , and to the enhancement of other people 's lives , and how cruel it was that it was so few that got through .
25 Dorothy had already told Isobel of the conversation that afternoon , so she was prepared ; but he found it difficult to get round to the real object of the visit .
26 As she put down the phone , Melissa wondered what garbled version of their conversation would appear in the columns of the Gazette that evening .
27 I came down the steps of the Ashbery that morning and burst out laughing at the heat .
28 Like all the others since the beginning of the century that crisis involved two separate problems : the interests of great powers and the claims of Balkan nationalists .
29 At the end of the day that trainee will not get his N V Q and what 's going to happen is that branch managers be penalized if that happens .
30 It 's a dark room , so at any time of the day that light would be switched on by anyone wanting to read . ’
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