Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] on women " in BNC.

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1 * This article is a part of a larger report on RU 486/PG being prepared under the auspices of the Institute on Women and Technology at MIT by Janice Raymond , Renate Klein , and Lynnette Dumble .
2 Much of the literature on women and education tends to make this kind of distinction , arguing both for greater equality of access for girls and for changes in what are claimed to be inherently sexist curricula and values put over in school .
3 The reclaiming of the trade by the men was nevertheless to become a permanent reality , as an editorial in The Vote had correctly predicted.73 It is possible that if the war had not intervened , the men would in any case have been able to secure the prolonging of the ban on women beyond June 1916 .
4 We must continue to campaign on this issue and support taking legal action in Europe against the attack on women 's pay .
5 Growing large and pregnant conflicts with the pressure on women to look slim and beautiful .
6 Entitled Broadening the RU 486 Debate : A Non-Aligned Feminist Report , it report will be available in June 1991 from the Institute on Women and Technology , Department of Urban Studies and Planning , Room 3–405 , Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) , Cambridge , Massachusetts 02139 , USA
7 The last three questions in the section on women 's roles are connected with training .
8 None of her infrequent , but uneventful and pleasant , visits to the capital on Women 's Institute theatre excursions or rare shopping trips had failed to shake her conviction that Liverpool Street was the cavernous entry to an urban jungle , where predators armed with bombs and syringes lurked in every Underground station , and seducers laid their snares for innocent provincials in every office .
9 After her poem drew one in reply , Ella Wrote an article in prose in the next issue in which she put a point often made in the later period ( see Chapters 5 and 7 ) by women workers , and one which is central to the debate on women 's pay generally .
10 In response to the article on women in the Soviet Union ( Silent Sisterhood NI 190 ) , I found many of Ms Feldman 's conclusions insulting .
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