Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [conj] women " in BNC.

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1 Like many women who have crashed through the glass ceiling — or , perhaps , ignored it — she is strongly opposed to positive discrimination in favour of women and has little time for the argument that women do n't succeed because they are women .
2 It was pointed out during the workshop that women have always been flexible in terms of employment , but because they have to be rather than because they want to be .
3 Dale Spender describes the tendency to refer to the male as the norm and women in pejorative terms as a ‘ rule ’ of language ; she use the term ‘ sexist syntax ’ to describe this .
4 ‘ Man and wife ’ represents a habitual mode of speech which treats men as the norm and women as requiring definition .
5 Their decision could also be crucial to the outcome of a long legal battle between the ministry and women peace protesters who have been at Greenham for eight years .
6 In relation to the question of the position of women , it would follow that , since — it is thought — the new testament does not allow the headship of a woman , and through the fact that women did not exercise headship in that society , that a woman should be head of state is as wrong as that a woman should exercise headship within the church .
7 Men in Trudgill 's study under-reported their use of the standard whereas women over-reported the same thing ( see the discussion of status above ) .
8 Thus " an experienced woman worker " told her that men do the same work as women in many cases and at different rates , but there are certain parts of the work that women never do , such for instance as the lifting of the " formes " and " chases " .
9 The whole of chapter 6 is concerned with analysis of the household and women 's place in it .
10 Before long a good deal of the poetry that women had written would seem decidedly out of date .
11 This quality of inclusion signifies the sense of the collective that women have , and from which they can draw strength in their lives .
12 Greer too invokes Marcuse , and elevates the pursuit of pleasure to a revolutionary tactic : ‘ The surest guide to the correctness of the path that women take is joy in the struggle ’ ( 1971 : 330 ) .
13 A further example of the assumption that women should be willing to provide sex for interested men seems implicit in the Sun headline — LANDLORD 'S DEATH LUST FOR GIRL Lodger shunned sex .
14 A widely recognized consequence of early marriage or entrance into a conjugal union is the lengthening of the period that women spend as married or sexually active during their childbearing years which , without birth control or infecundity , results in higher completed fertility at age 50 .
15 In developing countries particularly , early marriage has as one consequence a lengthening of the period that women spend in childbearing .
16 Intriguingly , in his third proposition in favour of the argument that women can be priested , Thomas himself comments that orders lie in the soul , which is the same for both sexes , a point to which curiously ( as George Tavard has pointed out ) he makes no reply .
17 Seriously though , I am of the opinion that women need their own space to talk freely without the presence of men .
18 At the conference held in 1888 by the three compositors " unions , the Typographical Association ( English provinces ) , the London Society of Compositors and the Scottish Typographical Association , specifically to discuss the Edinburgh question , the following resolution was passed : That while strongly of the opinion that women are not physically capable of performing the duties of a compositor , the Conference recommends their admission to membership of the various typographical unions upon the same conditions as journeymen , provided always the females are paid strictly in accordance with the scale .
19 Again it is part of the conditioning that women have received in early childhood .
20 She takes their practice of representing a feminine gendered component of meaning as [ -male ] as a sign of the fact that women in language are relegated to ‘ negative semantic space ’ .
21 In spite of the fact that women artists never gained a powerful position in the art establishment regarding both the official policy and semi-official theory — if we look at the recent cultural history of Yugoslavia the exceptions can be found to confirm the independence and the distinctive standpoint of women artists .
22 This was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage .
23 Spender gives numerous examples of this bias ; one is that history textbooks about the nineteenth century contain few or no references to the women 's movement , despite the fact that women were fighting to be accepted into the universities and to receive the franchise .
24 The government remains reluctant actively to support or encourage women 's employment despite the fact that women 's employment is growing steadily .
25 Both sexes like the idea that women pretend , men because it confirms their suspicion that their partners are basically frigid and devious manipulators , women because it gives them a delicious sense of power to think that the delirium which men fondly ascribe to their virile prowess is no more than a hollow civility , like laughing at Grandpa 's jokes .
26 These doctors expressed a mixture of views about sexuality , often recognising the reality of female sexuality , including the role of the clitoris , but this sometimes coincided with the notion that women were naturally timid creatures and were natural invalids .
27 This , coupled with the flexibility that women both need , to cope with their dual and triple roles , and excel at , has resulted in several of us making successful , sometimes even spectacular , changes in direction .
28 It should be noted moreover that such a Christology is not predicated upon saying that the difference between the sexes is of minimal importance , or simply to be compared with differences of race , with the implication that women can be said to be like Christ and so for example be ordained .
29 But the main problem with the claim that women are status conscious is the lack of real supporting evidence for it .
30 One aspect of this fear was the way in which the new notion of female impurity rapidly made inroads into the popular imagination , with the result that women came to be seen as a constant stumbling block to man 's improvement , a blight on the possibility of his attaining the now required ( i.e. post-exilic ) standard of personal purity .
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