Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [pers pn] has " in BNC.

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1 The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from Loughborough University 's Research Fund , and would also like to thank their research assistant , Theresa Madden , for her invaluable help and the RIBA for the assistance it has rendered .
2 If it did , it will surely live forever in the annals of infamy ; but for the mapmaker it has ceased to exist .
3 There 's clearly a problem , any ward councillor who brings out t that sort of thing which is non non-trivial to this council er for the reasons he has it seems to me deserves er to be supported unless there 's a very strong case against it and I do n't worth considering and that 's what I shall vote.worth co you do n't .
4 WITH any luck , 1992 will go down in history as the year in which a large proportion of the British people finally recognised the monarchy for the anachronism it has undoubtedly become .
5 Yet whatever Benn 's shortcomings , he deserves high praise for the service he has performed for recent political history .
6 We are grateful to the English Working Group for the thought it has given to assessment issues .
7 Mrs Dawson praised Sarah for the times she has popped in to see if she could help .
8 But a wider public , both inside and outside the University , are grateful to him for the windows he has opened up to them , through his recent chairmanship of the Friends of the Welsh National Opera , through his talks and articles , and above all through his learned , wise and witty discourses on Wagner .
9 She tells me that ‘ the mother is just going through the process of grieving for the child she has n't had ’ ( the child is already eight months old ) : the health visitor 's instruction in the art of creating unpersons has been exemplary , and no doubt she is keen to pass this on to the mother .
10 For the traveller it has meant congestion and delay ; for the resident it has produced noise , ugliness and fear , and a turning away from the street as the centre of community activity .
11 The Business Location Service is extremely grateful for the support it has been given and looks forward to even greater success with its partners in the year ahead .
12 Now I think what erm and my feelings on this er are very much er similar to Mr Donson 's and I 'm grateful for the calculation he has done for us all .
13 ‘ They break the rules because Bawden cares less for rules than for the things he has to say about the feel of a summer morning , the watery sunshine of an April afternoon , or the flurry of a February snowstorm . ’
14 Her adopted father , Arthur Harrison , also of North Green , Staindrop , has been keeping a vigil for the daughter he has barely spoken to since she was 17 .
15 In similarly insincere terms he thanks Duncan for the honours he has received from him : These speeches are subtly calculated by Shakespeare , for their insincerity is obvious to us ( the affected metaphors , the flabby repetitions ) but not to the recipients .
16 Brian Clough , the Forest manager , said : ‘ His contract was not expiring but he deserved a rise for the contribution he has made over the last 12 months -so he earned himself a new deal . ’
17 But is Mr Kinnock wise , having trimmed — having trimmed to a wiser policy , but all the same egregiously trimmed — is he wise to insist that the British people respect Labour for the changes it has made ?
18 John Tugwell , a rival to Wanless in the race to succeed Frost , wins diplomatic praise from his new boss for the way he has restored Bancorp to profit this year .
19 She praised the Daily Mirror for the way it has highlighted Somalia 's plight .
20 The Guardian noted that the report had again highlighted concern at the policy of the United Kingdom government in Northern Ireland and had placed the UK " in the same league as the Iraqi government for the way it treats the Kurds , the Somali government for the torture and murder of the Issaq tribe and the Sri Lankan government for the way it has " escalated " arbitrary arrests and torture of members of the political opposition " .
21 The committee express their thanks for the work he has done in a voluntary capacity over the past months .
22 But it is also the tragedy of William Bentley , a tragedy because he too is a boy caught in circumstances which he is incapable of understanding and which will , finally , leave him totally unfit for the life he has been trained for .
23 He 'll never forgive her for the life she has spent and she wo n't let him see what she 's come to at the end of it !
24 For the rest he has persisted in wearing the guise of a vassal before his overlord .
25 But on his last full campaigning day in Monklands East , a depressed part of west central Scotland badly hit by the collapse of traditional industries , he was making time for the locals he has represented — with a boundary change — since 1970 .
26 Weak all along in terms of commitment , doubt now shows its colours and acts true to form by refusing to shoulder any responsibility for the unreality it has caused .
27 I would be more than thankful and hopeful that I may have helped him in return for the inspiration he has given me .
28 Adam Drabo has since become a folk hero , for the inspiration he has given to his country 's people to rid themselves of corrupt government .
29 Magritte should be canonised by the advertising industry for the inspiration he has given it ; here are some of his own rarely seen ads
30 If , in that final act of patronage permitted to departing opposition party leaders , Neil Kinnock could be persuaded to put forward for peerage the names of the Labour Party general secretary , Larry Whitty , and its director of organisation , Joyce Gould , he might mark the end of his leadership by making some minor compensation for the mess he has left behind him .
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