Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 … The second matter applies particularly to private sector , fee-paying schools where , as the Financial Secretary knows , there is often an arrangement for the children of staff in these schools to be taught at less than the commercial fee in other schools .
2 I just , you know , some meant to be meeting at five past one
3 In the case of summary proceedings for recovery of land , Ord 24 , r 4 , any person not named as a respondent may apply to be joined at any stage of the proceedings on the question whether an order for possession should be made .
4 Impeccable etiquette is required from everyone ; discipline and good manners , have to be observed at all times .
5 Indeed , except for first-row elements , band shifts are rarely more than one or two cm -1 , and particular precautions must be taken if they are to be observed at all .
6 However , this does not persist over a long time scale and is often not to be observed at all .
7 In the West Cumbria project , funded by DOE , evaluation of existing geological records and mine plans has enabled solid and drift maps of the Coal Measures and Lower Carboniferous sequences to be compiled at 1:10 000 and 1:25 000 in more detail than was possible during the previous survey almost 60 years ago .
8 They seemed to be positioned at random as if the guests had been playing a game with them and not sitting around the table in an orderly fashion .
9 Bear in mind that where a procedure is approved , the published instructions include the minimum heights to be flown at successive stages in the approach and a final obstacle clearance limit or minimum descent height recommended .
10 Aware of the strength of public opinion , Mrs Aquino ordered flags on government buildings to be flown at half mast in a conciliatory gesture .
11 The board processes themselves often do not work , so one often hears the remark : the company policy is X , but of course I am not personally in support of this , I believe we should be doing Y. Since industrial success depends totally on getting the concentration of effort of widely differing groups of people with different skills to be applied at optimum effect to the achievement of the common goal , it is not difficult to see why such disparate messages strike at one 's heart and give one a more than usual dose of despair .
12 Five hundred NHS patients waiting for plastic surgery are to be treated at private hospitals , as part of a Government initiative to cut waiting lists .
13 In her analyses of Freud 's conception of female sexuality , she demonstrates that Freud 's view of women as lack or as absence forces them into the discursive position of the hysteric because it denies them autonomous identity and obliges them to mimic the voice of the dominant male if they wish to be heard at all ( 1974:66–71 ) .
14 Now , of course , there was nothing to be heard at all , nothing to be seen but the sudden , wheeling pallor of one more set of headlights taking the curve in the Silcaster road , far beyond Aurae Phiala .
15 In cases where there have been failures to make applications to licensing courts in time for them to be heard at statutory sittings , the Court of Session has been petitioned for directions , in virtue of its nobile officium , to licensing courts to hold special sittings to deal with non-timeous applications .
16 Echoes of these symbolic assertions of ducal autonomy were also to be heard at later periods .
17 The investment financed by this borrowing stoked up demand for commodities , permitting sales to be maintained at higher and higher prices .
18 The necessary appearance of friendship had to be maintained at all times , and patronage continued to flow in the direction of the town of Perth from which the unfortunate Mr. Robinson came .
19 By contrast , a sense of ‘ community ’ seemed to be absolutely essential if village populations were to be maintained at viable levels .
20 Real growth in GDP was projected to be maintained at 2-3 per cent during 1989-90 , although many observers regarded such a figure as optimistic .
21 A spokesman said the hotel hoped to be operating at 55 per cent occupancy within its first year and up to 70 per cent within three to four years .
22 A critical element in these surveys was that data for past and future plans were to be presented at constant prices , as it was almost impossible to interpret a time series of expenditure for a period in which prices fluctuated significantly .
23 Archives have an important role to ensure that strategic datasets , at the very least , continue to be deposited at low cost .
24 It is quite possible for one organisation to be audited at five levels , as well as being accountable to internal decision-making bodies , political masters , and the law .
25 Moreover , as a resident of Edinburgh , and a fervent rugby supporter , I am at pains to understand how the Twickenham experiences described in the article are excluded from the ‘ civilised ’ experiences to be gained at other Five Nations venues .
26 For it was she who told herself that nothing was to be gained at this moment by recrimination , that Sir George 's land and influence at Stockton were still big assets ( though nowhere near worth the price at which they had been bought ) , and that a moping Sir George — a sackcloth-ashes flagellant — could be all it needed to bring the whole structure of confidence tumbling down .
27 She proved to be the Glisseuse , a rather shabby forty foot motor cruiser , difficult to see on Venturous ' radar , so that much of the time she had to be kept at visual distance , especially as she approached the busy traffic lanes of the Thames .
28 The existing age of transfer was to be kept at eleven to keep the time in grammar school to at least four years , since the ‘ new ’ school leaving age was to be fifteen .
29 These two possibilities may allow deletion-prone gene transcript concentrations to be kept at equivalent levels in both strains .
30 Boat traffic needs to be kept at modest levels in order to protect one of Britain 's most outstanding botanical treasures .
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