Example sentences of "[prep] it at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And in Edinburgh the appearance of It at the still-functioning Paperback Shop renewed the link with Haynes for people like Lloyd , who could regard themselves as the Americans ' ambassadors in the north .
2 Unbecoming as it was to their cred , the embarrassed band loaded themselves and gear into the vehicle and tried very hard indeed not to be seen getting out of it at the other end .
3 I thought we might be out of it at the 4th hole in the last round .
4 ‘ But Oliver , ’ I said , trying to make some sense of the story , and also trying to make a bit of a joke of it at the same time , ‘ Is n't it traditional to give flowers to a girl when you arrive rather than after you 've left ? ’
5 What if I decide against it at the last minute ?
6 So we need to get the word of God , go out with it at the right time and leave it with people .
7 In the tract Man 's Mortalitie , published in 1644 , the Leveller Richard Overton expressed his belief in mortalism , the heretical idea that the soul dies with the body at death to be reborn with it at the Second Coming .
8 ‘ If I can get drunk enough on this stuff I might be able to get away with it at the next repatriation board . ’
9 He 'd run to follow it , missed it at the traffic lights , almost caught up with it at the next .
10 The People 's Party should also be benefiting from the little-noticed collapse of the Democratic and Social Centre ( CDS ) , a party that took votes away from it at the general election in 1989 .
11 The Precision in a way is too middly , but the thing about the Jazz is that you can get more top and bottom from it at the same time , and that 's the sound I like .
12 It is surrounded by buildings , the houses being built on to it at the eastern apse .
13 My response is not a traditional wind-up speech , because this is the hon. Lady 's debate and I am sure that she will receive the leave of the House to reply to it at the appropriate time .
14 The dynamics of the energy cascade and dissipation may be supposed to be governed by the energy per unit time ( per unit mass ) supplied to it at the large eddy ( low wavenumber ) end .
15 you might be able to do it off that , you wo n't be able to listen to it at the same time
16 Even though it must have been obvious that he would not hold to it at the last , the threat was enough to make Stormy Petrel veer again to her original course , and though she was trying to increase speed , and was perhaps a little more powerful than Sea Otter , we , on our straight line , could hold her comfortably .
17 The examination he looks upon as completely separate ; he will attend to it at the last possible moment .
18 Swales might , at last , have made a wise decision — if he does not go back on it at the first sign of failure .
19 He also said he had no desire to tackle the principle of comprehensive education : ‘ I do n't see any need for it at the present time .
20 The West Ham Trades Council resolved that conscription was a serious threat to the labour movement , and summoned Thorne to explain his support for it at the 1916 Labour Party conference ( East Ham Echo 12 February 16 ) .
21 The fairy Grandmarina appears , and gives Alicia a magic fishbone that will bring her whatever she wishes for ‘ provided she wishes for it at the right time ’ .
22 The report on the projected sales for the next quarter , he asked for it at the last meeting , it 's okay .
23 To and fro , weaving , sometimes tied back to the point , moving from point to point , guided by Jennifer , each woman deeply involved with the dual effort of formulating an opinion and arguing for it at the same time .
24 Zach told her his age , which was nine , and spelt out his name , apologizing for it at the same time .
25 But he stressed that he told officials about it at the post-match drugs test .
26 ‘ Well , you know , like he says he was coming up to you — this is the way I look at it — coming up to ask you to lend , say , a lawnmower , right — this is when he 's no drunk , ordinary sober , you know — and he 'll be walking up to you and thinking about it at the same time .
27 By the beginning of February 1989 he had enough to convince him that it was real , and he agreed to go public by talking about it at the American Physical Society meeting in Baltimore the following May .
28 ‘ Here , ’ she says thickly , handing me a joint while she rolls the ice cube round in her mouth and tries to breathe through it at the same time .
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