Example sentences of "[prep] it is a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think a lot of it is a case of pressure Peter , you know if the girls want to make twenty five appointments that week , if they 've got an appointment , yes , I 'll have it in , regardless of where it was , they would .
2 ‘ A lot of it is a way to deal with stress and the management of stress and cartoons are the perfect way around it .
3 At the end of it is a Paris suburb , a bed with cool white linen and nuns fussing around me .
4 Since I know that it is not , then my use of it is a bit of rhetoric .
5 Lentils coming from Ethiopia , you get wheat from the States , rice from the States , ap apples from France , tea from India , coffee from Brazil and Columbia , sugar from the Windward Islands , bananas from all over the place , you know those are the things that keep us alive , no , you know , whether we one think they are or not , but I mean them things are what keeps the economy alive for one , it 's also what keeps us personally alive if you do n't know why we take an interest in Third World issues , I would say that it 's that , we 're dependent on these countries , we could produce enough foods for our own needs , but we would n't have oranges , coffee , tea , sugar , you know cos we ca n't grow them in this country we , we really depend on those things to stay alive , and for that reason alone we should have some kind of interest , if you went to Kenya for example they would be staggered at how little you know about their country given how much they know about yours they know a lot about this country , a lot of it is a bit loopy , but then what you know about their country is probably a bit off centre as well , and you know I hope that this is something that we 're reversing in this section , our perceptions of the Third World or the south or whatever we choose to call it , colour a lot of the things that we think and do and say and it increases the amount of racism that there is around us all , all those kind of things , erm and I think that it is really important to look at what a perception is , you know , for example what 's your perception of this ?
6 Perhaps too much of it is a text for skilled professionals .
7 Beside and to the rear of it is a pedestrian precinct .
8 I suppose this is erm , a caricature , a self portrait this little , I , in fact I was , really actually hilarious as I felt that , I , I , do n't actually know an awful lot about Gaugin , but if , if I knew nothing about him at all , I would of thought he was having a bit of joke of himself with this , but er , being the person that he was I ca n't image that he had that quality , that , I do n't believe he would be laughing at himself , erm , erm , the symbolism erm and conflict of this painting its dazzles me more than , than the colour or at least as much as the colours in it , but there 's a , there 's a half eaten , well it is n't half eaten , but there 's half an apple at the top and , and that was the , the way into me finally , for , for writing about this , this again is a shopping list , I call it a shopping list , this is just visual images that , that will be opened out at some point and turn it into something , and my images were erm Shoulders of the matador smoking snakes , dare to bit an apple , see one half gone and still I wear a halo intact , that I 'm sure I 've completely wrong about him as a , a person , but as the painting that 's obviously something else , erm , I found that one of the things that were he 's , I , I think probably that everybody who writes is that you 'll come to a point when you ca n't write , you stop writing , you have n't got anything you want to write about , or your frightened of writing , and I devise exercises so that , that does n't happened to me , I think writing is like any skill you have to keep doing it to be able to do it , its , you , some of it is a game and the rest of it is hard work , and one of the exercises I , I delighted using erm a portrait of a woman erm , its about erm the er still life , its the back one , yes this one here , I have , I , I hope to use this as a writing exercise I found the , the maths in this and the colour of the piece of fruit in the background , very interesting because most of the colours to me seem a , a lot less vibrant then many of his other paintings , and so they , they attracted me and have a , a strong sense of erm , er a hidden desire in that and so it , to use it as a writing exercise which I intend doing , it will be able about a situation of character 's with erm something that 's hidden , some desire , I do n't , the , not even spoke about to themselves or , or generally , erm I like to sort of say that came from those two little , just this amounts of colour which seemed to be saying such a lot
9 One good example of it is a fabliau called Sire Hain et Dame Anieuse , " Sir Hatred and Lady Obnoxious " , where an antagonistic husband and wife fight a crudely physical and violent battle , literally over who should have the trousers .
10 A lot of it is a matter of hearing : you just start to hear it that way after a while , especially if you listen to a lot of Coltrane and people who really developed that part of the language . ’
11 Much of it is a matter of planning and approach , and most of us from time to time talk with colleagues and seek advice from older and perhaps wiser hands .
12 It may be that some of it is a repeat .
13 I ca n't remember enough detail to produce a coherent report , but the upshot of it is a win for Leeds would have been a fair result , and a draw less fair .
14 That brand of it is an offshoot of the United States v Europe confrontation which has been fuelled by the Ryder Cup and spilled over now into major championships , potentially the more so at the Masters where the winners for the past four years have been British .
15 As Bertrand Russell points out , it was James Mill , active Radical as he was , who in 1831 wrote of Hodgskin 's followers : ‘ Their notions of property look ugly : … they seem to think that it should not exist , and that the existence of it is an evil to them .
16 Great practical achievements jostle with the expected financial and administrative problems but throughout it is a story of people doing their very best to improve the health and welfare of animals of all shapes and sizes and in all circumstances .
17 Reflection quality to the south of the thrust is poor , but disappearing southward beneath it is a series of relatively gently dipping , normally faulted reflections , interpreted by Kenolty et al. , as Cambrian to Precambrian sediments or volcanics , resting on crystalline Precambrian basement at depths of 5 to 13 km .
18 The logical structure admittedly is independent of the desires of the thinker , but the drive behind it is an enthusiasm , or an obsession to rid himself of an intolerable burden ; at the point when we notice there is no more joy or stress in his thinking , that it has become a routine , we begin to be afraid that his creative phase his passed .
19 Associated with it is a pair of snakes , their heads directed at the armpits .
20 The position taken by the accounting profession is that the function of the accounts is to provide verifiable information : what users of that information choose to do with it is a matter for them .
21 Above it is a layer of gas at lower pressure .
22 Just above it is a block of plastic which combines a Euro-style power socket , a fuse carrier and the main power switch — which should be easy to find in the dark , as it 's directly above the mains lead .
23 The stance is the starting-point of every kung fu move , and perhaps the most obvious progression from it is a kick .
24 In my view death resulting from it is a death by natural causes .
25 What you get from it is a graph showing a complex pattern of forces .
26 It 's just like the programme except the info in it is a bit more out of date and it 's about twice the size .
27 It has been suggested that in it is a memory , a hang-over from the days when a true prince ‘ reigned ’ at Restormel Castle and the peaceful town of Lostwithiel was the busy capital of the Royal Duchy .
28 All that 's in it is a bed and a camping stove , but it 's home for us … if that 's what you really want . ’
29 Implicit in it is a belief in the nobility of the suffering victim and a judgement that sees the working class as inevitably corrupted by material things .
30 From the right point of view , every storm and every drop in it is a rainbow .
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