Example sentences of "[prep] it for [det] year " in BNC.

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1 Men were to talk of it for many years to come .
2 The Leader of the Opposition claims that he has been a consistent supporter of the Common Market for years , but everyone knows that he was a consistent and bitter opponent of it for many years .
3 But when we have got such a satisfactory outcome , unless subsequent events show that we have got it wrong , or that we have wrongly read the environment or some other major change , we would aim to stick with it for some years .
4 No regular services had been held in it for many years , although it had been used for funerals and the occasional service , remaining open for visitors and pilgrims to Cell-y-bedd and the shrine .
5 He said : ‘ I 've got a soft spot for the league , because I played in it for many years . ’
6 The keys of old harpsichords are indeed often seen to be hollowed ; however , what this suggests is not that Handel had been assiduously practising on it for many years , but rather that ( being at least loo years old when Hawkins saw it ) it had never had the keys replated. 19th-century scholars were intrigued by this tale , and more than a century after Handel 's death embarked on the quest to rediscover the instrument .
7 But it was the Greek islands on which his attention was finally fastened , notably Hydra ( Ydra ) in the Saronic Gulf , which had had an artistic community on it for some years .
8 I 've been meaning to write to The Post letter page about it for several years .
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