Example sentences of "[prep] it be [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 They 'd sooner take a job eight to five in a factory , if they can get it , and the worst of it is that the ones who do take it on ca n't find a wife .
2 The upshot of it is that the appellate court , where the matter is one of discretion , as this is of course , will not interfere with the discretion of the court below unless it considers that the court was plainly wrong or it has erred in principle , that it has taken into account something it should not have done or has failed to take into account something it should have done , and on that narrow basis I must proceed with this appeal .
3 Erm the gist of it is that the money from the A B C er i you 're not allowed to go over your forty eightieths of your pension with it .
4 How different it was all to be , and the marvel of it is that the plans prepared in the period after 1945 proved as robust as they did for so long .
5 The pity of it is that the Prime Minister , who said that he wanted to be at the heart of the process , has instead condemned this country to be semi-detached from it .
6 The basis of it is that the landlord , by letting the premises , confers on the tenant the right of possession during the term and impliedly promises not to interfere with the tenant 's exercise and use of the right of possession during the term .
7 The the the buggeration of it is that the next time round that something goes wrong , it 'll be again something that you 've encountered before !
8 Well , one thing I think will come out of it is that the Enquiry will say that this closure will have fairly cataclysmic affects on the economy of this city , I think that 's clear , and I think that will come out of it .
9 Yet the truth of it was that the estates were going to rack and ruin .
10 She consulted Lessing , accordingly , about what to do with them ; and the end of it was that the long-forgotten link with the law was revived , and young Paul was placed like his father on an office stool .
11 Anyway er it The outcome of it was that the Spencer Union was formed , George Spencer , er i in collaboration with er the mine owners , you see ?
12 ‘ The best of it was that the farmer — Mr Harris — said that if I proved to be right , he 'd call me in again , especially as Mr Jarvis had said that my fees were moderate .
13 The first reason to dispense with it is that the nation state itself is an expensive fiction , particularly in terms of its loss of human life .
14 The key element in it is that the process determining the variable about which variables are being formed has to be estimated alongside the rest of the model .
15 The Court of Appeal , with regret , rejected their claim on the ground that , although the relevant statutory provision declared a dismissal to be unfair if the reason for it was that the employee proposed to join a trade union or take part in union activities , the provision was ‘ not concerned with an employer 's reactions to a trade union 's activities , but with his reactions to an individual employee 's activities in a trade union context ’ ( Sir John Donaldson MR ) .
16 The crucial point to notice about it is that the entities whose ‘ fitnesses ’ are being compared are no longer individual organisms , but populations of organisms .
17 Well it 's tomato mosaic virus int it , erm but what really is significant about it is that the leaves are mottled with yellow and it quite often go fern like , they go very very thin .
18 Yes but the trouble about it is that the English are so insular that lots of them do n't , do n't realize it or wo n't believe it .
19 Another remarkable thing about it was that the trailer cars were pulled by electric engines .
20 After all , one way of looking at it is that the job of the community worker is no different in kind from that of a revolutionary cadre .
21 Another way of looking at it was that the basic form was a large lozenge consisting of a red hexagonal core surrounded by six brown triangular tips , or again , diagonal strips of ret hexagons kept in place by pairs of triangular brown wedges .
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