Example sentences of "[prep] every [adj] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He loved Encyclopaedias ; especially the ones with the old pictures in , and he knew the names of every single one in the library .
2 Actually , I chew on a piece of mozzarella and merely wish that I 'd thought of bringing a silver pistol , because , let's face it , Dudley Moore played Patch the Elf in the 40-million-dollar Santa Claus — The Movie which unlike say Ishtar or Hudson Hawk , is consistently unbearable for every single one of its sad seconds .
3 Those five gates of hell , he 'd be put through every single one of them .
4 Each addressed location in one of my sperms corresponds to a particular addressed location in every other one of my sperms , and in every one of your eggs ( or sperms ) .
5 As there is no possibility of any Government in the Community , certainly no British Government and certainly no Labour Government , not referring to their Parliament for a mandate before taking a step into entering monetary union , the opt-out clause simply codifies what will happen in any case , I believe , in every single one of the European Community democracies .
6 But whatever those proposals may be , schools now will have the opportunity of opting out , and I think it 's a fair guess that if the opting out legislation had been in place when comprehensive education was imposed upon this county in 1964 , you would probably have found a great number of the grammar schools would have opted out , using the legislation , and I have no doubt whatsoever that in every single one of those cases you would have had a large majority of parents in support of that .
7 I did n't have the lowdown on every last one of these guys but presumably they were all bigshots .
8 but they 've got so much there 's eight tanks or something to every fucking one of ours
9 Do you have to listen to every single one of those tapes ?
10 ‘ She looked at every single one of the hundreds of photos and could n't stop smiling at the memory .
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