Example sentences of "[prep] school in [noun prp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The legislative route adopted by the government with respect to the curriculum and assessment procedures for schools in England and Wales , contrasts with the situation found in Scotland .
2 Having dropped out of school in Sweden and returned from Africa to do little but hang out in New York , she leapt at their invitation to move to London and join the group in 1980 .
3 At around this time I began to give private lessons in Latin and mathematics to a few boys who were in their first and second years of school in Parma or who had to take an entrance examination .
4 Links have also been established with schools in Bradford and Dewsbury .
5 The school has teamed up with Assumption Grammar School from Ballynahinch to communicate with schools in Osaka and other cities in Japan .
6 Does the Minister agree that something must be done to control imports of the drug known as Ecstasy , which is not merely creeping into schools in London but has reached teenagers in my constituency in south Devon ?
7 The impact of the decline in fertility between 1964 and 1977 on the numbers of children enrolled in schools in England and Wales is illustrated in figure 6.1 .
8 The main feature of the scheme is a video training pack on science which has already been introduced successfully in schools in England and Wales .
9 Disruption in schools in England and Wales will escalate this week as the two biggest teaching unions step up industrial action in support of their pay claim .
10 In addition , Welsh is a core subject in schools in Wales that are Welsh-speaking .
11 In addition , Welsh is a foundation subject in schools in Wales that are not Welsh-speaking .
12 Richard Parry , Robert Williams , Sara Andrew , Laura Gilmartin and Ysgol Esgob Morgan deputy head Helen Roberts will join representatives from schools in France and Spain .
13 While they do not mark a return to a prescribed curriculum ( like that which applied to schools in England and Wales before 1926 ) , they do signify a subtle change of direction .
14 They like being able to afford French champagne , to send their children to schools in France or to take holidays on the French Riviera .
15 Their proposed solutions are transferred to schools in Europe and subsequently to schools everywhere else , and notional/functional syllabuses are peddled as nostrums all over the place as suitable for every situation .
16 Will the Minister offer the House any justification for the provision of more money to schools in Hampshire because they happen to serve the current dogma of the present Government ?
17 ‘ I started going out to schools in November and what 's really encouraging is the amount of knowledge and enthusiasm youngsters have .
18 I scoured the greenery of the Jar din Massey unsuccessfully for signs of yet another literary genius with local connections : the bizarre Isidore Ducasse , alias the Comte de Lautréamont and author of the surreal Chants de Maldoror , who was born , like Laforgue , in Montevideo , but went to school in Tarbes and died even younger than Laforgue , at twenty-four .
19 She lived in Jesselton and did n't come back to school in England because her mother is a teacher and educated Anne at home in what seemed to me a rather rough and ready fashion .
20 Salman Rushdie was born in Bombay in 1947 , went to school in England and then studied at Cambridge .
21 And who wants to go to school in Hammersmith when you can live in the East End ?
22 He went to school in Attleborough and it was here he developed what he considered a ‘ natural advantage ’ in sport .
23 She had gone to school in Scotland and in order to lull suspicion said that she was in Glasgow visiting an old school friend .
24 Thus , if Ridders , who went to school in Tynemouth and Stockton , wins next month ( against the odds ) he will join a select band of one .
25 I was lucky to be able to go to school in Parma and not spend all my life in Fontanellato , which was the fate of many ; and on the whole my schooldays were enjoyable .
26 I continued to go to school in Parma and life there seemed very uneventful too .
27 It will be a generation or two no doubt before this determinedly old-fashioned room acknowledges one of the most remarkable of post-1945 French writers , the critic Roland Barthes , who was the complete Parisian intellectual but was brought up in the Basque country , went to school in Bayonne and all his life kept his house along the Adour , at tire .
28 Now five years old , he went to school in Warminster and was trying hard to adopt a Dorset accent , having been teased about the snob way he talked .
29 Then she could go to school in Boston or something .
30 Possibly it was when she 'd said how much she 'd like to go to school in Vienna and learn how to dance .
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