Example sentences of "[prep] try [to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She narrowed her eyes at him and warned him icily , ‘ If you 've come here with some idea of trying to block my petition to become Kirsty 's guardian , I warn you right now you 're wasting your time ! ’
2 You must not fall into the common error of trying to fill your tank with Dwarfs using the usual inches of fish/surface area criterion .
3 You must not fall into the common error of trying to fill your tank with Dwarfs using the usual inches of fish/surface area criterion .
4 Governments should not need to learn what so many people and companies have had to learn — the dangers of trying to borrow your way out of trouble .
5 A jury has been told that a woman accused of trying to kill her ex-boyfriend for the insurance money had no motive .
6 Magistrate accused of trying to kill his wife .
7 Unlike Sunsoft Inc , Solbourne is not in the process of trying to upgrade its operating system to cope with the requirements of large-scale SMP systems , its had that work under its belt for many moons .
8 As a doctor she would be i in the dilemma of of trying to give her daughter something which er is not allowed , and yet as a as a doctor she could prescribe other things for other people and here she is as a mother with her own child in her own house , unable to do anything very much for her .
9 It 's sad , you know ’ — she turned about and looked at Peggy ‘ It is sad when a mother outshines a daughter , and aims to do it to the extent of trying to fascinate her son-in-law .
10 She ached in every muscle from the constant strain of trying to keep her balance on the heaving deck .
11 Yet already you have accused me of trying to endanger your mother 's life through risky water sports .
12 This bottom-up approach may well be a very fruitful way of trying to understand what language is and how it works , but that does not mean that it is the best way to teach a language , or that it is the way we use a language when we do know it .
13 London sex therapist Dr Brian Richards , convicted in the US of trying to have his partner killed , was yesterday found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the professional conduct committee of the General Medical Council , who ordered his name struck off .
14 AYRTON SENNA was last night accused by his cut-throat rival Nigel Mansell of trying to pinch his drive with the all-conquering Williams Renault team .
15 Using painting , using art , to create a modus vivendi , a way of understanding life ; that is , for the time being , of trying to make my life into a work of art itself , instead of spending my life creating works of art in the form of paintings or sculptures .
16 Ways of trying to increase your bargaining power include delaying negotiations or confrontation until you are in a stronger position , initiating action in another area which raises the costs to your opponent if he disagrees with your offer , linking the issue under discussion with much wider issues which do not seem of much importance at first sight to your opponent but which may be to his long-term disadvantage but to your long-term advantage which will compensate for your short-term loss .
17 While all this was going on I was in the middle of trying to buy my farm back from a pension fund .
18 Beyond that it 's just a matter of trying to perceive whatever vision you have .
19 He reached ground level unharmed and , discounting the thought of trying to retrieve his car from the courtyard , headed off towards the street most heavily trafficked at this time of night , which was Kennington Park Road .
20 Thus , it is reasonable to argue , instead of trying to determine what class is by theoretical disputation , let us recognise that what we have here is a concept which probably indicates something significant about social behaviour , but precisely what that is is not clear .
21 But they did a whole bunch of things to us , like trying to sabotage our show .
22 Well , in the definition that we heard , it tends to be associated with , with trying to rid your body of the food that you 've consumed during a binge .
23 TWO hitch-hikers cut a motorist 's throat with a Stanley knife before trying to steal his car radio .
24 For , apart from trying to hold her hand in the taxi , he had been quite well behaved .
25 They have therefore been active in trying to use their experience to influence social policy , and in 1986 they made recommendations to the Health Advisory Service on administering patients ' money ( the hospital bank system ) and on the hospital complaints procedure .
26 These moralists are wrong , at least in trying to base their challenge simply on the structure of obligations .
27 Is it some sort of reference to your own noble persistence in trying to restore our marriage ?
28 In trying to remember my Father I suppose the image that comes most vividly to mind is that of a tall , large-boned man with balding grey hair , a rather beautifully-shaped nose and kind but sad grey eyes .
29 In view of the problems involved with breaking up large firms and the difficulties likely to be encountered in trying to control their behaviour , competition policy in the UK has tended to concentrate more on the preservation of a competitive market structure .
30 Once it 's finally printed , Oslobodjenje faces just as many problems in trying to reach its audience .
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