Example sentences of "[prep] as [adj] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now I want control of as much as I can cope with .
2 And that really I think is about it unless there are Interpretation of As much as I 'm going to .
3 Hope these will come in useful ; I got 2 of as many as I could , so you could have one for handling and one for display — or for pinning up to show both sides .
4 As last season illustrated , Neath were nowhere near as good as their Champion status indicated , nowhere near as good as they had been in the seasons of extraordinary success that preceded the advent of the leagues .
5 ‘ Though it 's nowhere near as much as they recommend , ’ she said .
6 So I , I believe we do n't spend anywhere near as much as we should do .
7 How dared he ? she mourned as she sank down on her bed and gasped for breath , and knew then that Naylor Massingham 's low opinion of her would n't hurt anywhere near as much as it did , had she not just realised that she was desperately in love with him !
8 Because when , without so much as a scrap of protest , Ven had let go of her just now , she had started to get the idea that perhaps he had n't desired her anywhere near as much as she had wanted him .
9 ‘ It 's all nowhere near as easy as it looks ’ , he says .
10 Nowhere near as easy as it sounds , the trick is in the timing .
11 In fact , his tone was level , and even his expression nowhere near as serious as she had imagined .
12 I 'm on edge , I 'm nowhere near as calm as I seem ( when I read what I 've written ) .
13 A big reason for the Penelope Spheeris-directed film 's success is that in a period crowded with pictures nowhere near as smart as they think they are — Paul Verhoeven 's lumbering , botched , thrill-free Basic Instinct , Robert Altman 's unbelievably over-exalted The Player — it 's the only fun in town .
14 Manufacturers do put static protection devices on chips so the problem is nowhere near as bad as it was but it 's better to be safe than out of pocket .
15 Yet language is nothing like as static as we think .
16 I go back to Chelmsford most weekends and manage to see my daughter quite regularly , though our relationship is still nothing like as close as it was before my arrest .
17 The opposition in England 's group was nothing like as strong as they faced in winning the HDM tournament in Holland before Christmas .
18 The losses at the Battle of Sagrajas had been great and not even the addition of El Cid 's men could make it anything like as strong as it had been before the coming of Yusuf .
19 Italy 's involvement in the Spanish Civil War , in emulation of Germany , had cost much more than the government had intended , and by 1939 Mussolini must have known that the Army and Air Force were not anything like as strong as he had imagined they were , even if he did not know the extent of their weakness .
20 There were very few major countries I did n't visit during that time and travel was nothing like as easy as it is now .
21 All through the '70s I 'd wanted to be in a rock band and I ended up doing it and it was nothing like as exciting as I 'd imagined it from reading and listening to records .
22 Now , that 's more or less as far as I 've got , I mean I can go on .
23 We have made sure that we get on with as much as we can get through in our help for Iraq through UNHCR , but there is one man — and one man only — who stands in the dock for the denial of resources to the northern Iraqi people , and that is Saddam Hussein .
24 By contrast , the rather trashy and bitchy biog. of Nancy Reagan is compelling because of one 's disbelief that she could and did actually get away with as much as she did .
25 The real wonder is not that some who profess to believe fall away after continuing so long but that some last as long as they do with as little as they have .
26 we do what we did here , we cancelled all the twos on the bottom , with as many as it would cancel on the top .
27 As with all other stages of the conveyancing exercise , deal with as many as you can of the listed headings .
28 It is in the system and has been for as long as I can recall .
29 ‘ Sir Ralph Grunte , and has been for as long as I can remember . ’
30 It is not worth our while because we can not redeem them for as much as they would get for five- or 10-dollar bills . ’
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