Example sentences of "[prep] there [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Then we was taken out of there into the Corporation Street where the fair used to be held and we had silhouettes of different aircraft on poles and holding them up and we er so as we could recognize them .
2 The following year he moved to Newcastle as regional corporate manager , transferring from there to the NBS .
3 San Antonio is , however , only one site in many to be investigated in detail by archaeologists and geomorphologists and it is too early to extrapolate from there to the Maya lowlands in general .
4 A dedicated path will eventually take cyclists on from there to the Forth crossing .
5 On 26 August , Brudermann ordered an advance to the Gnila-Lipa , a tributary of the River Dneister , and from there to the Zlota-Lipa , another tributary .
6 From there to the Watling Street where the Grove pit used to be , straight the way along go over the railway bridge , you know , it 's the turn , well Grove pit was right in there .
7 He 's in there with the Wayne Raineys and Mick Doohans of this world , not to say the highly talented Kevin Schwauntz .
8 I remember thinking , What will he do without the Spencer if Lamarr Dean or Early are over there at the Alamosa ?
9 We 're not doing that on purpose because we do n't want a repeat of what happened over there in the Blenheim Road , where people actually had power .
10 ‘ The hunk over there in the Armani suit . ’
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