Example sentences of "[prep] those [pron] [verb] make " in BNC.

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1 Archbishop Silvestre Scandian said : ‘ The state police should be taken off the case , because Father Gabriel made a statement to the Justice and Peace Commission mentioning a police officer as one of those who had made death threats against him . ’
2 Paul remembered the Colonel , an old martinet who was one of those who had made it evident that he ought to be at home helping his mother .
3 Not surprisingly , rural unrest , frequently suppressed by the ruthless Civil Guard , was a chronic feature of Spanish life , and the ‘ agrarian question ’ a major concern of those who sought to make Spain more modern and democratic .
4 On Dunkirk 's sunlit main street , Sid Carter marched again with five thousand of those who did make it back ; old friends reunited , new friendships established , and all remembering a very different June day .
5 IAN McCANN cruises the mean streets of Kingston to find out what a crap fist they 're making of the great man 's legacy , and to talk to some of those who helped make him the Third World 's finest musical ambassador .
6 If the opinion polls are right , at least 55% of those who have made up their minds will say Yes this time , which would be a larger share than in France 's referendum last year .
7 One of the crucial changes brought about by Mrs Thatcher is the attitude of those who have made it and believe that others can do likewise , or , if they fail to do so , are judged as having not really tried .
8 On the whole , people are divided into those who want to make room for a serious collection and those who want to use wall space to its most decorative advantage .
9 the old Anti-Slavery Society committee [ was not prompted ] to make a vigorous opposition to the grant of Twenty Millions and one parliamentary leader T. F. Buxton felt so much doubt upon the propriety of turning the attention of the country prominently to it that there was on this subject a want of cordial cooperation with those who wished to make use of it to its full extent .
10 ‘ We have every sympathy with those who have made substantial underwriting losses in recent years but Lloyd 's owes its first duty to policyholders with valid claims which must be met , ’ he said .
11 They may find contentions such as those we have made questionable , but not surprising or scandalous .
12 For those who wished to make their own coffin clothes the 1838 Workwoman 's Guide came to the rescue :
13 Although the eighteenth-century house was essentially public with its absence of corridors and its interconnecting rooms , expressing what Henry Wotton had described in 1624 as ‘ the fond Ambition of displaying to a Stranger all our Furniture at one Sight ’ , it nevertheless made generous provision for those who wished to make their journeys privately , within the mind .
14 For those who like to make comparisons between their pets ' ages and their own , bearing in mind that the figures are only a rough guide , the following table may be of interest .
15 For those who wish to make the transition back to the NHS , the possession of a certificate testifying to their clinical adequacy only when part of a team of physicians is likely to be a stigma rather than of benefit .
16 We assess our assistant stewardesses for promotion to other areas of work aboard the cruise ship which makes this job a very good entry level for those who wish to make a career in the industry and we also run a training scheme for our housekeeping department .
17 Er before we go on to our that we have a break for ten minutes for those who wish to make phone calls er the only thing is the coffee is being suggested as well there is only facilities available in the members room .
18 Baldwin had a profound distaste for those who had made money out of the war and in 1919 he made an anonymous donation of part of his wealth to the nation as his personal sacrifice ; Neville Chamberlain was greatly affected by the death of his cousin Norman and determined that such sacrifice should not be wasted .
19 For those who enjoy making every meal a special occasion — whether it 's Saturday brunch or a dinner party for eight — and so are looking for something between their ‘ best ’ fine bone china service and oven-to-tableware , Wedgwood has introduced a range of ‘ casual ’ designs , on fine bone china , on Queen 's Ware and on their new fine china body .
20 For those who want to make a choice or are for some reason coming new to Ferrier , I would recommend the fifth disc with the unforgettable Chausson and Brahms , the sixth , which has some of her best and most lovable performances of British song , including Purcell 's Mad Bess of Bedlam preciously available only in an EP , allied to some precious Wolf , sung with new-found subtlety of nuance , from a Norwegian Radio recital , and the ninth disc , the Edinburgh recital with Walter , which has much the more telling of her two accounts of Frauenliebe und -leben .
21 We expect plenty of interest from those who want to make an unforgettable gift to their partners . ’
22 It is confusing even to those charged with its interpretation and to those who seek to make it work .
23 It is not the intention here to go into great detail on the subject of nutrition , but rather to give a simple guide that may be useful to those who want to make sure that the elderly parent in their care is being properly nourished .
24 An offer of thanks has been extended to those who helped to make the event a success .
25 Evans ( 1989 ) 61 proposes that co-authorship should be restricted to those who have made more than 50% of the contribution to the Ideas , Experimental , or Publication phases of research .
26 Evans ( 1989 ) proposes that co-authorship should be restricted to those who have made more than 50% of the contribution to the Ideas , Experimental , or Publication phases of research .
27 Recipients range from those displaying acts of courage and bravery to those who have made an outstanding contribution to society .
28 To those who do make a commitment of this kind the Commission expresses its admiration and appreciation , particularly in the light of the small salaries paid to most church musicians .
29 It was a lot of hard work and a lot of fun , but once in a lifetime was enough , as they themselves had been told by those who had made the 1928 pie .
30 During the sixth century , craftsmen were increasingly operating from workshops , employed by those who had made a greater success in the agricultural way of life and were able to support a greater number of specialists and farmworkers .
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