Example sentences of "[prep] these [noun pl] that they " in BNC.

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1 Very often people get so afraid of these consequences that they develop a very serious fear of their own fear response .
2 What was the matter with the young of these days that they were in such haste to destroy themselves ?
3 ( Perhaps their paintings said things to one another during these years that they could never say in person . )
4 It is precisely because black workers have been kept away from these structures that they are now at the forefront of what has become one of the most political dispute in industrial history .
5 It should not be assumed from these statements that they do not move at all-they can be quite active at high tide by night but that they remain within the same general area of shore .
6 After a letter to the Home Secretary in 1934 complaining that the IFL speakers had stated at these meetings that they would clear all Jews out of the country , and if this was not possible they would starve them and murder them , Special Branch reported that a Mr Pipkin and a Mr Smith of the IFL , both about twenty-one years of age , had made reckless and rash statements at such occasions .
7 Some children brought up in institutions are so damaged by these experiences that they can not live in a family where they have to respond to others ' feelings and may escape into work in an institutional setting .
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