Example sentences of "[prep] these [noun pl] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 I think probably Tony , do you want to take one of these letters before we go out ?
2 We shall discuss the impact of these differences as we proceed through the paper .
3 Six months ago six major E C Health and Safety Directives came into effect covering workplace safety , machinery , protective equipment , manual handling , work with computers and word processors , they 've built on a framework directive giving workers new rights to consultation and the right to stop the job and the union has been watching the government and the H S E and me as well , in their attempts to water down the requirements of these directives and we might well lodge a formal complaint with Brussels that could land the Tories in Europe 's Court of Justice .
4 There 's a long way to go because many of these companies that we 've mentioned are gon na fight fierce competition from Europe and we need to assist them .
5 It is in the perception of these changes that we begin to understand the history of the landscape as a whole , the Iron Age village , the Roman estate , the Saxon trade , the medieval fields , the eighteenth-century agriculture and twentieth-century industrialisation .
6 We can not reach an understanding of these divisions if we are constantly denied the alternative perspectives .
7 The contribution erm made by each of these products after we 've used an average sales price erm is seven and a half pence roughly for the smallest size , erm about eighteen pence average for the one litre size and eleven twelve percent twelve pence sorry for the large size .
8 It is to the detail of these developments that we shall turn in the following chapters .
9 It is an almost unavoidable aspect of these developments that we experience the emergence of an internal market place , with the growth of business units , with some of the services being contracted outside the authority , and a degree of internal competition and a clearer split between the client and contractor .
10 Sadly — we are not doing very well in any of these areas and we must take heed of the suggestions put forward by the N.D.O. and Trainers and any other good ideas proposed .
11 Because of course we did put er these proposals , most of these proposals until we 've had to erm at the board meeting er and we did give them full publicity in the Cambridge Evening News a couple of weeks ago .
12 We 're more conscious of these things than we used to be , before .
13 It is for the loss of these things that we weep and it is in the weeping that we clear the path for renewal of our hope and trust in life itself , rather than in individual and fragile dreams .
14 ‘ We just do n't think it is helpful to talk about a lot of these things while we are in this process , ’ he said .
15 What I think would be nice is if , if one or two people from each group came and laid claim to some of these things and we went through them and we sort of read them out loud because it 's a bit hard to read there , and we 'll see what Bob 's view is on this and .
16 We 're not saying you ca n't do it because we 're trying to say you need to be aware of these problems because we need to find solutions to some of them , erm and A L O work is definitely one of them , that report from the home office and the D V suggests quite categorically that er that there should be a crime prevention input into all planning applications .
17 Reverting to my opening discussion of the evolution of the ego and superego , we can readily see the importance of these stages and we can understand why it is that the sexual drive should lend itself to such apparently irrelevant associations as the oral and anal zones .
18 He wrote : ‘ But it is when we examine the zoology of these countries that we find what we most require — evidence of a very striking character that these great islands must once have formed a part of the continent , and could only have been separated at a very recent geological epoch .
19 Nevertheless , we know even less about the inspection methods of these inspectors than we do of HMIs .
20 However , for such of these variables as we can conjecture may have such an influence , we may be able to match the experimental and control groups .
21 He solved the problem of how to eradicate this grass by commandeering a group of my school friends and myself with instructions to pick as many bundles of thirty of these grasses as we could , for which he paid us three-pence each .
22 He does n't pay very much attention to the content of these books that we 're looking at in this course .
23 There are more of these signals than we may realise .
24 If , as frequently occurs , unpleasant symptoms arise as the result of the stress — the heart races , the stomach feels as though someone has tied a knot in it — we become so aware of these sensations that we are even less able to function well .
25 Even if the internal geometry of a motor appears very different , it is always possible to characterise its terminal behaviour in terms of one of these types and we are therefore justified in concentrating attention on them in this Chapter and , indeed , throughout the book .
26 The C E C recommends that we look at the experience of these regions before we take any decisions nationally .
27 The Labour Group often speak in general terms of gross strategic overviews of the economy of these regions and we know from experience what that means
28 Bill added : ‘ They were the first Calder team to tackle one of these events and we hope to send others in the future .
29 No it 's four hundred gallons , it 's , it 's , it 's , they do n't like to take any more than that because of the , the weight of water , it 's quite heavy er although they have one special equipment here again one of these roll-on roll-off ones , which is a water tank equipment , and er it carries about a thousand gallons or two thousand gallons of water , er in a tank , water tank and that if you are very short of water will be sent on as well to boost up water supplies in a particular area , so erm that was another one of these pods that we , we designed and , and put on the run .
30 So I was going to rummage through these slides and we do n't have them , erm so I 'll have to , I 'll hand the , the , the book around in just one minute , erm the poems that I 'm going to read to you , very few of them are actually complete , most of them are sketches erm ideas and images of erm , that I 've got , I 've , I 've got them from the paintings .
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