Example sentences of "[prep] its [adj] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After reporting a $260.5m net loss for its fiscal first quarter , chief executive Robert Palmer declared that ‘ Digital will change .
2 Hewlett-Packard Co accompanied news that it had made $261m net profit for its fiscal first quarter ( a decline of 21% before a big accounting charge last time ) with news that it cut 1,700 jobs worldwide during the period .
3 That was the last of the major rows which seemed to haunt the Production Office throughout its formative first year , but it was a sad indictment that Doctor Who never won full respectability as a serious drama programme within the Corporation .
4 The expectation was that IBM Corp would throw everything including the kitchen sink into its fiscal first quarter figures in order to give Louis Gerstner as clean a platform as possible on which to build — but the company unaccountably dressed the figures up a little , by taking a $95m tax credit in the quarter , without which the net loss would have been $380m ; interest charges in the first quarter declined by 12.5% to $305m .
5 He complained of increased media attacks on him by the Moldavian Communist Party under its new first secretary Grigory Yeremey [ for whose appointment see above ] , featuring allegations that his administration was failing to protect party property ; of " back-stage scheming " against him in Moldavia 's Supreme Soviet ; and of his inability to work with republican Prime Minister Mircha Druk .
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