Example sentences of "[prep] her [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Unmarried , she had lived at Elm Cottage all her life , looking after her parents until they died well into old age .
2 It seemed that she was the mother , but her sister , a prostitute , had locked her in to look after her children while she was out ‘ on the game ’ .
3 I knew all about it in theory because I had a young Bhabi and she used to tell her friends about her experiences and I used to overhear ( laughs ) .
4 Later I had the honour and privilege of meeting Odette Churchill , the heroine of the French Resistance , someone I had admired for years , ever since reading about her exploits when she received her medal after the war .
5 Mandy had come because she was worried about her parents and she did n't know who else to turn to .
6 She spoke quite easily about her feelings and she is totally man crazy .
7 She was on the point of telling him about her investigations but it was all so uncertain and there was no point in raising false hopes .
8 Let her parents know about her movements when she goes out at night ; she will tell them where she is and with whom , and let them know what time she 'll be home .
9 She found the make-up room and went in , a faint smile playing about her lips as she looked round .
10 Victoria 's glossy black hair swung wildly about her shoulders as she stamped her feet in front of the mirror .
11 He was so anxious about her whereabouts that he could barely concentrate on his job as a bank officer .
12 Like , sometimes it might be a prostitute , she never got paid for her services and she tries to claim she 's been raped .
13 Grandma would use it for her buttonholes when she went to church , along with a flower or two .
14 She blinked as they emerged into blinding brightness and searing heat , and paused to fumble for her sunglasses before they descended the broad flight of steps that led down to the canal .
15 The court in Belfast ruled that Christie was more responsible for her actions when she killed Penny McAllister with a sharpened butcher 's knife than was originally thought .
16 She was demonstrating aerobic movements and hostessing for her guests as they arrived .
17 These all turned out to be negative and the examining doctor decided to take rectal samples when she returned for her results as he felt she would be unlikely to come back a third time .
18 She had a great love for her children and we all loved her intensely . "
19 Shelley 's senses turned violent somersaults , and she was n't responsible for her words as they tumbled out .
20 While waiting for her passengers as they inspected isolated gun-sites on windswept clifftops and rocky promontories , Liza was urged by her passengers to switch on the car engine to keep herself warm , however much she knew this procedure to be frowned upon by her direct superiors at Command Headquarters .
21 ‘ Molly likes having an audience for her tales and it passes the hours for them . ’
22 One Saturday night she was in the town looking for her companions as it was time to go home , when she met Alec d'Urberville .
23 When the woman put her hand up to protect herself the man grabbed two rings off her fingers but they were later recovered in the car .
24 She hit her and at the same time as she hit her she virtually came to a er , a stop because of the fact she wa she started to brake as soon as she saw the the children appear er , but ne never the less contact was made but thankfully for her and for the child the the contact was a a at no significant speed , the child was just knocked off her feet and she got up and waved to Mrs and said I 'm alright and she ran off and she was away before Mrs had time , even to undo her safety belt to get out of the car .
25 BBC children 's favourites Brian Cant and Ross King swept the 25-year-old beauty off her feet as she started preparing for a pantomime .
26 He pushed the bra straps off her shoulders and she looked at him helplessly , torn between releasing the bodice to grab his hands and keeping it safely in place .
27 In truth , Diana got on rather well with Adeane , who introduced her to many of the women she accepted as her ladies-in-waiting while she was an enthusiastic matchmaker , continually trying to pair off the difficult bachelor with unattached ladies .
28 She did not consciously know that , with Luke 's swift co-operation , she had rid him of his tie , nor that she was left unaided to tear at his shirt buttons with frantic fingers ; and it was only through her senses that she knew when she came to hard flesh and soft springy hair , her palm sliding damply over his chest , fingers catching luxuriously in the light tangle of hair covering it .
29 She almost crunches through her teeth when she says that .
30 This generous man with guinea-gold hair had come into her life so unexpectedly , but she just knew that like a guinea he would slip through her fingers before she had a chance to know him better .
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