Example sentences of "[prep] what i [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not after what I 've been through . ’
2 And not after what I 've been through . ’
3 I head south after what I think 's called a hearty breakfast and an even heartier cough .
4 And he admitted : ‘ I know it is going to be a hard slog for me to get back , but after what I have been through I 'm not bothered how hard it is going to be .
5 After what I have been through I have changed my mind completely . ’
6 I began walking towards what I thought was the town .
7 ‘ So would you have if you 'd had to put up with half of what I 've been through in the past !
8 Like the hon. Gentleman , my impressions of what I saw are the recollections of a person who was shocked by the wanton destruction that occurred during the riot .
9 I am puzzled by the aquatic use of what I assume are terrestrial plants .
10 I joined the Associate Membership scheme in the beginning and left it last year because of what I felt was gross overcharging for a pathetic members ' service .
11 Part of my process of becoming who I am involved rejecting some of what I had been born into .
12 Now although I am a born sceptic , suddenly being brought face to face with a seemingly identical facsimile of what I had been working on did make me pause for a few moments !
13 The choice of literature , as you realize was meant to be contrasting , and I put book down as an example of what I thought was the worst possible , er , use of use of psychoanalysis , kind of gutter journalism , erm and which you did n't look at , and it 's , it 's no criticism of you erm , because er , you had your work cut out with what you did do , but the reason I put down Gandhi 's Truth , if anybody 's ever read that , have they ?
14 I had acted out of good faith and in terms of what I thought were the best interests of my client .
15 My function was to select and train the Pathfinders , I was given the choice of what I claim was the best and if I did not pick the best .
16 Erm I 'd like to refer to my page three or er section four in my conclusions because I think if I if I heard Professor Lock correctly I think he and I are at one in in a suggestion which is is put to you in in if you like without prejudice to the generality of what I have been saying in support of the council 's policy .
17 In terms of institutional study , there is a dislike of what I think is rather sourly thought of as high culture and high art , and in favour of communications , which can be awfully boring and not terribly rewarding .
18 He made a terrible swing of what I believe was a 4-iron and pulled his ball into the left trap .
19 I first met him during the early 1950s and I became editor of what I believe was the second journal in the now enormous Pergamon Press stable .
20 ‘ Of a four-handed cast , ’ wrote Bernard Levin in the Daily Mail , ‘ Mr Michael Crawford , as the brother who can not bear his sister to be touched by the world , makes a great deal out of what I suspect is not very much , conveying well his uncomprehending self-disgust . ’
21 It was going to be a long night , as I also had to finish an already over-due essay on Swedish expansion in the seventeenth century ( it would have to be a goodish one , too ; an earlier remark — made in an unguarded moment during a methodically boring tutorial — ascribing Swedish territorial gains in the Baltic to the invention of the Smorgasbord with its take-what-you-want ethic , had not endeared me to the professor concerned ; nor had my subsequent discourse on the innate frivolity of the Swedes , despite what I thought was the irrefutable argument that no nation capable of giving a Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger could possibly be accused of lacking a sense of humour .
22 I did not tell him that his imitation of the French was far more like what I had been seeing for the past year .
23 The exercise of skills in the workforce as a mature returner has been a rewarding experience in so many ways but I never expected it to test my personal standards or challenge my courage to stand up against what I believe is wrong .
24 But now you must forget you are wearing new clothes and relax into what I know is your natural grace . ’
25 Folding the sheet containing the poem into what I hoped was the perfect paper 'plane , I waited until Mrs Burton 's back was turned and I launched the message-bearing missile in Belinda 's direction .
26 I remember seeing his ball disappear into what I thought was sand dunes left , but he 'd hit a woman on the head and nearly killed her , and his ball had flown back 60 or 70 yards into the fairway .
27 and we put a little sex appeal into it and turn it into what I thought was a very contemporary , viable and graphic arts piece that would be very broadly hung on the wall and used .
28 I was one of the few ‘ non-official ’ witnesses at the inquiry into what I trust is the last colonial war that Britain will ever fight .
29 We 're straying into what I think are probably local plan issues here really ,
30 Plastic tubing , 7ft of it , appears on stage with him then disappears up his nose into what I presume is his stomach .
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