Example sentences of "[prep] what [is] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Considering what 's against us ?
2 There is such a tremendous difference between terribly good television pictures and the real world ; people become addicted to looking at it instead of what 's about them .
3 A new product release , for example , might be angled for the consumer media along the lines of the second release given above for Brand A. But for the retail trade press much more emphasis will need to be given to discounts , special promotions and advertising — in fact , full details of what 's in it for the retailer .
4 Your reasons for this colossal exploitation of what is to you hi-tech may be quite divorced from ours ( we want to look for black holes , whereas you want to ascertain the precise time you should sacrifice a virgin in order to propitiate the gods ) , but the principle is much the same .
5 Well , we do see a good deal of what is around us and not simply whatever it is that we happen to be staring at .
6 For many people life today is such a bustling affair with so many things to get through in the day that it is not difficult to forget to be aware of what is around us .
7 If I was right in supposing this to be the nub of his argument , then a prior question to be considered was : ‘ Do people in fact suppose themselves to be justified in using the word ‘ hot ’ of material things , like fires , because they think there is something in the fire like what is in them when they feel hot ? ’
8 Homo sapiens has chosen to venture into what is for him an unnatural environment and he does so at his peril .
9 Their discoveries built their confidence to look further into what is around them .
10 Some would flinch at such language as a description of how medical resources are allocated , but would agree with what is behind it , that rational allocation or planning is an illusion .
11 Some people fall in love with what is like them ; others with what is different .
12 Yet the other day I was listening to an eminent conductor whose Bruckner is often much praised reaching a triple forte long before what is to me self-evidently the work 's pivotal climax .
13 When turned back , though not flat , they show that the horse is interested in what is behind him , usually checking that the escape route is clear ; so does a rolled-back eye which reveals the white of the eyeball .
14 They fail to grasp that what is required is their own detailed response to what is before them .
15 But I think people just react to what is around them .
16 " You want me to flaunt meself before the face of the Holy Virgin in some flimsy shift which leaves no man doubt as to what 's beneath it ?
17 Depends on what 's in it .
18 Moralists able only to think of autonomy , of the active imposition of the will on what is round us , miss the essential values of receptivity , of contemplation , of openness to the splendours of what is not oneself .
19 Perhaps having that in common is partly responsible for what 's between you .
20 Although in prose — as one says , perhaps too much influenced by the conventions of the comedies — this is one of the most serious scenes in the play ( 91–229 ) , and when the soldiers have left the King ascends to verse for what is to me the most deeply felt speech of all : In his own persona the King speaks verse , entering on to a prose-scene between Fluellen and Gower to express his anger at the French murder of the luggage-minders , and continuing in verse to Fluellen ( IV.vii.55–118 ) .
21 You know that we belong to a century when men are only valued for what is in them .
22 This means that our assessments of what is on offer are not governed solely by what is before us .
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