Example sentences of "[prep] what [be] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now if you 're a horse racing fan … the brain will be galloping … the mouth watering … at the thought of what 's to come over the next few weeks …
2 The past has gone and no one can be sure of what is to come in the future .
3 His analysis was a taste of what is to come from the Left : Labour should have promised drastic defence cuts to pay for its spending plans .
4 The Belfry was cold and wet , which gave us a taste of what was to come at Lytham .
5 Since I find novelists tend to say it better than sociologists , let me quote from one who seems to have anticipated a good deal of what was to come after the period when we had never had it so good :
6 The Prince had had an inkling of what was to come in Wales , when the crowds had been so eager to see Diana that they could scarcely hide their disappointment if Charles and Diana took one side of the street each and they were on the side of the street he took .
7 This set would be just a taste of what was to come in the wedding dower , a tantalising taste of the jewels that would eventually be showered on the bride .
8 So within a few days of his grudging acceptance by his parliamentary colleagues , Law 's leadership was ratified by the throng of party notables at Leeds ; here he received a reception more typical of what was to come in the future .
9 I had noticed it too , and I was all the more pleased with the prospect of doing something in what was coming to be my other sphere of interest , namely , literature and especially poetry .
10 Ever since Lavoisier , chemists had kept their science distinct from what was coming to be called ‘ physics ’ ; Thomas Thomson even declared about 1840 that it would not matter if chemists and natural philosophers had different theories of heat — each could use what worked better for them .
11 The general reaction among his staff was stunned silence , then surprise at the extent of the change and suspicion over what was to come in the future .
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