Example sentences of "[prep] she [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When she stopped speaking his feeling of animosity towards her seeped from him , and the pity that he always felt for her again rose to the surface and for a moment he himself knew the extent of her frustration and the reason behind her furious tantrums when she had known his uncle was going to marry again .
2 Then , to Perdita 's squirming embarrassment , he replayed the clip of her rowing with the umpire three times , freezing the frame of her yelling with her mouth wide open , until her teammates were howling with laughter and rolling round on the floor .
3 And er , he ca n't , he ca n't take it , and he , sort of her took off me , yeah ?
4 He was only dimly aware of Alina coming down the steps toward him , only dimly aware of her crouching by him to smooth the hair from his forehead .
5 Once , the wind blew her long , pale hair forwards over his shoulder and strands of it caught his face and stroked it , and he could smell the fragrance of her drifting through his body .
6 Would it be totally insane of her to agree to his suggestion ?
7 I actually became interested , not so much in the women locally but my o , my own grandmother Greta , was a herring gutter from Wick I never knew her , I have one photograph of her taken with her two children , and when my children were small I used to look at this and think , how did she get away for weeks to work and follow the boats
8 After Mona agreed with Mr Carman that she shunned publicity , he produced glamorous photos of her taken at her mother 's mansion in Hampstead , North London .
9 Wesley man , calm down get your top out of her bra , hand out of her let go of her going for her coconuts .
10 However , she is among the best organised of girls and golfers , and there is no danger of her reneging on her original plan .
11 Lucenzo 's husky voice behind her sounded in her ear , his face so close that his breath flowed softly over her cheek , making her knees weaken .
12 Her suitcase was still sitting on the bed , with the few clothes and belongings she had brought with her piled into it .
13 I would n't walk to Croydon with her hanging round my neck .
14 They met outside the Social Services and he had pleaded with her to return to him and their home in Oxford .
15 I tried to persuade her to go home , even suggested I go with her to talk to her parents but she could n't even face that .
16 But , standing in her bathroom , with her looking at him with those lovely blue eyes , her whole soul looking him in the face , her integrity undeniable , he knew the truth .
17 When the man who waited with her crept to her shoulder and whispered in her ear , as he did several times between his nervous pacings about the room , she made him no answer , and never seemed even to be aware of him , though her braced tension made it plain that nothing that passed in this apartment escaped her instant notice .
18 The big Kulak that goes everywhere with her looked at her , then at me , then gives me a bit o' paper . ’
19 But he had n't , of course ; he had just pleaded with her to stay with him , which was a world away from a total commitment .
20 She wanted him to plead with her to stay with him , forever , as he 'd done once before , but this time she would accept and tell him how wrong she had been the first time .
21 Something in her drank in his savage juices , as the mango trees suck up rain , and , in her turn , she spurted liquid from every pore and orifice .
22 A desire that Tony had never evoked in her floated through her veins like liquid fire , and she found herself responding eagerly , wantonly , to his caresses .
23 A real threat existed , because she responded to him physically , a threat to so much that she valued as part of her individual identity , autonomy , independence , pride , all of which would be lost if ever the weakness he created in her led to her succumbing to the dark attraction he held for her .
24 How could she get through an evening in his company when everything that was female in her responded to him in a way that knocked her totally off balance ?
25 There was only one thing she could do , though everything within her rebelled against it .
26 She shuddered , remembering his deeply thrilling kisses and the way they 'd made her feel , even though everything within her rebelled against his easy command .
27 A pregnant female has been caught with young inside her attached to their yolk sacs , just like the Illinois fossil , showing that the species does not lay its eggs but gives birth to live young .
28 That was all , the slightest touch of his fingers on hers , but she was reminded of that other time he had touched her , when he 'd helped her out of the pool , and now , as then , something inside her responded to his touch .
29 She seemed to be getting quite violent as I could feel the van sway from her leaning against it .
30 A picture of Roman handing her things and taking others from her came into her mind .
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