Example sentences of "[prep] this [noun sg] be that " in BNC.

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1 The worst things about this attitude is that the western method of development is ’ best ’ and the constant subtle racism .
2 The positive thing about this approach is that it can deal with exceptions to the overall pattern .
3 The important point to note about this approach is that it is vital to compare like with like , otherwise the value of the exercise is rather wasted .
4 The interesting thing about this story is that the model was used almost as an incidental — she was portrayed in the distance , as the aesthetic human element on an otherwise deserted beach .
5 The thing about this man is that the whole wind section seems to play better when he is there , not just the flutes .
6 Now the important thing about this document is that you 'll receive it on the day the first day of your assignment .
7 But there was still a French-speaking population on the peninsula itself ; transferring a population to a new ruler in this way was common enough in Europe , and the only unusual thing about this transfer was that the British promised to let the inhabitants retain their Catholic religion without enforcing the laws restricting the civil rights of Catholics that had been passed at Westminster .
8 Moreover , what is particularly regrettable about this requirement is that it is for largely financial accounting facilities to address such issues as :
9 I 'm not particularly equipment oriented , and the great thing about this enlarger is that the controls are on the bottom .
10 The first thing to note about this response is that what is true of ‘ I know ’ is equally true of some of the uses of ‘ I remember ’ .
11 The nice thing about this system is that the above double resonance can be guaranteed : the refractive-index change induced by the strong pump beam actually moves the comb of longitudinal modes with respect to the pump frequency ( it is strictly the product of.length and refractive index that determines the mode frequencies ) .
12 What is important about this case is that in factual circumstances similar to those before this House the plaintiffs contended for the principle relied upon by Mr. Gardiner and failed to persuade the judge that such a principle existed .
13 What is really great about this guitar is that it is such an uncomplicated affair .
14 Available in either black or white the first thing you notice about this guitar is that sitting down and playing it is practically impossible ; it 's worse than a Flying V in that respect .
15 What is especially fascinating about this text is that a rehabilitation of masculinity coexists with an ironic repudiation of it , and a critique of what might be called masculinity 's cultural unconscious .
16 What is especially good about this unit is that you can also replicate big brother SVT 's trademark ‘ growl ’ , if required ; the limiter can be set to allow the power amp to be safely overdriven , without fear of blowing the speakers apart with harmful transistorised clipping .
17 What is perhaps most remarkable about this grassland is that it is only maintained under active management even rabbits were introduced by the Normans and , although it resembles some periglacial assemblages of plants , it must have been reconstituted after the forest maximum unless there were extensive grazed glades in that period .
18 ‘ What is most exciting about this project is that the people in the communities will have the major say in what will be done , ’ said , NEAR Project Manager .
19 Now might it not be also a very good idea then to report back to another public meeting with the results of those suggestions possibly done in a written form which could be freely available before the meeting so that people can discuss these in a structured way because I think this evening one of the problems about this evening is that points are being missed because issues are being jumped from one to another in no structured way and I think that it might be worth while for another meeting where it is structured but certainly to produce the results of your discussions internally to many of the ideas that you 've heard this evening .
20 I really do think that one of the things that I 'm unhappy about this evening is that people are concerned that our profession is n't caring .
21 The most remarkable thing about this letter was that Knox thought it worthwhile making his appeal even although five days earlier the Lords of the Congregation had taken decisive action .
22 My only reservation about this book is that it is too reticent about her loneliness and attraction towards women in what were not the most sexually enlightened of times .
23 One of the marvellous things about this record is that there 's so many references to all sorts of things that have happened to us over the last couple of years .
24 An important point about this analysis is that , , do not otherwise occur finally in the syllable .
25 The other story I recall to mind about this time is that Cranwell in those days must have been the coldest spot south of the Arctic Circle and the ration of coal to fire the single stove in a billet of 22 erks took little account of the temporary hutment , Some genius had laid down that the ration of coal would he 1lb of coal every other day was sufficient to ward off armies of brass monkeys that descended on Cranwell in winter .
26 The first thing to notice about this definition is that , like the offence of rape , it is restricted to ‘ sexual intercourse ’ .
27 Probably the most valuable thing about this stage is that the schedule compiler gets a sort of ‘ consumers ’ view' for the first time .
28 What 's so awful about this situation is that we ca n't have a funeral .
29 ‘ In fact , a peculiarity about this condition is that it seldom if ever occurs in a woman who 's had a baby . ’
30 The difficulty about this argument is that , if it is accepted , there is no scope for the operation of paragraph ( a ) of article 12 .
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