Example sentences of "[prep] do [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I bought a Volvo estate care from the Oxford Used Car Centre and I had done rather quite high mileage which I sort of did n't really look at the mileage when I bought it .
2 Well real ones they 're a bit sort of do n't really go .
3 Whatever you think I look like does not necessarily represent the truth . ’
4 Until this legacy is tackled we believe MPG6 should make it absolutely clear that no new permissions should be granted , for to do so merely puts off the evil day when the problem of old permissions has to be confronted .
5 Until this legacy is tackled we believe MPG6 should make it absolutely clear that no new permissions should be granted , for to do so merely puts off the evil day when the problem of old permissions has to be confronted .
6 The ministry accepted that farm-gate prices were a misleading basis for calculating cost benefits , but the new methods they came up with did not fully adjust the calculations accordingly , especially in the case of cereals .
7 For one thing , the men she went with did n't usually have bathrooms with bidets , or loo seats in real Earth wood .
8 thing that you want to play with do n't just bring down any old thing
9 ‘ Believe me , my young friend , there is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about on floats . ’
10 Joshua fills out the details of the orders , but in doing so clearly reads God 's mind , for he comes in for no heavenly rebuke .
11 According to the legend , the sixties were awash with new social freedoms and sexual liberation ; thus , the mini-skirt inched its way ever further from the Plimsoll line of modern respectability — the knee — and in doing so subliminally exposed with the ostensibly gamine , but essentially coy , knock-kneed fashion poses , the easy availability of the female genitalia
12 Even the article ‘ Conductor ’ in the New Grove dictionary of opera is , unfortunately , misleading : for all its caution , it attempts to paint the whole period from 1750 to Napoleon , and in doing so unjustifiably reinforces certain impressions we recall from the powerful pens of the Encyclopedists :
13 As the work proceeds she/he makes tentative decisions on what to do with each title , and in doing so obviously takes into account the amount of money shortly to be used for replenishing the stock .
14 It is rather sad that due to the subsequent rather narrow defeat of the motion that we find that such a large complement of Northern Labour MPs absented themselves from such a vital environmental vote due to prior engagements and by doing so thus failed to support their Labour colleague Kevin McNamara , the sponsor of the Bill , and failed to contribute to ending once and forever this sickening , depraved social pastime .
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