Example sentences of "[prep] they to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Both are gigantic construction projects , needing a large number of people to pass through them to be profitable , and with neither of them is the full return projected for a good few years hence .
2 His daughter replied that there were too many happy accidents in the world for them to be accidental .
3 ‘ Buckets ’ have a very similar capacity , one which seems too small for them to be practical for fetching water to the house ; indeed it should be noted that durable containers for the bulk carrying and storage of liquids and solids are rare , except for the large metal cauldrons , dishes and buckets from rich seventh-century burials like that of Sutton Hoo mound 1 .
4 I do n't know I , I would n't be in a position to answer for them to be honest with you .
5 Now one of the problems is that doctors are rather reluctant to do that because it 's very difficult for them to be sure that a particular headache or a particular skin rash has been caused by one of the medicines which the patient was taking , so the doctors are not very good at filling in the yellow cards and these are not a very good way of reporting adverse reactions , and to get over that we are starting now to use computers .
6 ‘ I always try to have some fun in my tricks and for them to be new , ’ says the 54-year-old , caught in the middle of rehearsals at Lincoln Theatre Royal during the current national tour .
7 Many people ( in this authority ) are critical of the education system and of comprehensive schools , we must not give an opportunity for them to be critical .
8 It 's not unusual on girls ' weekends or at women workers ' conferences for them to be demonstrative with each other , or with the young women , while we remain caught in the straight-jacket of frigidity while we are in the public eye .
9 The pixel data may be in 8-bit binary words , but it is common for them to be 7-bit binary words , to preserve the capability of 7-bit transmission or coded as ascii hex characters , ie. , 0–9 and a-f , thus also preserving printability .
10 Two other requirements that Beccaria makes of punishments for them to be effective are that they should be prompt and certain .
11 The damage done by these species is so great that only rarely do they produce enough identifiable remains for them to be countable .
12 Millions of these live in the bowel , where they help digestion , so it 's quite normal for them to be present , and all too easy for them to spread — in fact half of all cases of Cystitis are caused by bacterial infection .
13 And many women actually did take to their beds when they were menstruating and erm sort of retired from active life and this was n't possible then because so many women had been called up you know and they had had to be in the army or they had to work in factories and it was n't possible for them to be absent .
14 F. Because transport is needed between the factories in a chain , it is more profitable for them to be close to one another .
15 Within the moral economy there was potential for them to be revolutionary though because erm you had this sub-culture which was
16 Producing elisions is something which foreign learners do not need to learn to do , but it is important for them to be aware that when native speakers of English talk to each other , quite a number of phonemes that the foreigner might expect to hear are not actually pronounced .
17 So , in essence , in order that the partnership can really start working emotionally for both partners , they must jointly seek to develop within the male partner the ability to nurture , and within the female the ability to recognise her own needs and to ask for them to be satisfied .
18 There was little incentive for them to be active in this regard , for only a few high-level headmen received a salary .
19 The sensitivity of our topic in Northern Ireland can only lead us to make its problems manifest to readers in order for them to be able better to assess the reliability of the data .
20 Teacher-training , all too often still embedded in traditional teaching techniques , does not offer teachers sufficient guidance for them to be able to adapt to the new requirements in the curriculum ; and the result is that pupils are inadequately guided , and projects and assignments are poorly executed .
21 There seems to be a very uneven development of user education programmes across the country at the moment , hence a need not only to prevent libraries from ‘ reinventing the wheel ’ in this area , but more important for them to be able to obtain advice on the ‘ best ’ available tried and tested programmes and methodologies .
22 This happens surprisingly often with migrating birds — if the weather is too dreadful for them to be able to navigate properly ( and they do seem to rely on the sun or the stars , like medieval sailors ) , they will land in the hope of finding food and shelter until the wind drops or the rain clears up .
23 think feminism has to provide a unified , positive alternative for all women , in order for them to be able not only to know about but to reject and try to escape subordination ( 1979 : 129 ) .
24 's interest in discursive structure takes them too far from psychology , and their fascination with an absolutely psychological unconscious brings them too close to it for them to be able to pursue feminist and psychological interests together .
25 They set about loosening the ropes just enough for them to be able to reach the knot once Graham gave the signal .
26 It is therefore important for them to be able to verify addresses quickly .
27 ‘ Over the next two years , these same people are to be faced with a rise of 25pc for domestic fuel — VAT at 17.5pc plus 3pc or 4pc price rises each year — then obviously there must be a significant increase in pensions and benefits in order for them to be able to pay . ’
28 Well it 's it works best with people who =r mildly depressed in fact , l less so with very severely depressed people , but that is the great majority of people , one in three women with children under the age of five are depressed , for example , so it 's a huge advantage for them to be able to take it and not have side effects .
29 Principally there were at that time other interested parties in the premises er and also erm Mr saw it as essential er that er they were in and running the business er well before the time of the Christmas trade which was rapidly approaching then , then it being late August and er he wanted to make sure that they were in in in time for them to be able to take advantage of those bookings that they anticipated .
30 Give them just enough food for them to be able to work for their keep .
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