Example sentences of "[prep] they [am/are] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In studies of ‘ foreign ’ labour movements in countries other than one 's own , the selected countries are usually treated separately and comparisons between them are rarely made ( Meyers , 1967 ) .
2 Differences between them are rarely taken seriously .
3 Both Helicobacter pylori and non-steroidal non-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) are well established risk factors for gastric and duodenal ulceration but interactions between them are poorly described .
4 Most of them are locally based and each is responsible for a group of schools or colleges ; they are under seven divisional inspectors .
5 Unfortunately though , these will only allow for three full sized cards to be added as three of them are partially obscured by the cables coming from the back of the hard and floppy disk drives .
6 Some of them are even looking out for compensation . ’
7 Models of them are also used at the circus marking the finish of each lap , just as eggs indicated the start .
8 When food and other allergens are considered , as well as additives , 50–80 per cent of children respond , although not all of them are completely cured .
9 Many of them are well known , such as Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle , but we have to ensure that people are aware that some of the lesser-known sites they visit are in the care of Historic Scotland , and that they realise many more are on offer , ’ says Bill .
10 And some of them are practically doing that every night !
11 Finally , as some of them are geographically isolated , there is little or no possibility of merging with other institutions .
12 There are no certainties in the field of demography , but on the assumption that present mortality rates at all ages will not worsen , we can be fairly certain about the absolute numbers of men and women over the present statutory retirement pension age ( 60 for women and 65 for men ) well into the twenty-first century — at least until the 2040s — because all of them are already born .
13 some of them are already actioned there
14 Small notebook systems have already been developed by the likes of Tandy Grid , NCR and Apple , and some of them are already use for simple form filling applications like supermarket stocktaking or car fleet management .
15 ‘ There are about 16 places here at the moment but most of them are already booked .
16 Fortunately , however , most of them are closely related to others , and the separate characteristics which concern us are relatively few in number .
17 But most of them are just hiding behind the image .
18 Most of them are probably muttering , ‘ I 'm too busy to get involved in this sort of thing .
19 Most of them are highly motivated , and want to do well . ’
20 Let us hope that the Danes will vote ‘ No ’ in their referendum on June 2 , thus forcing all members to renegotiate the treaty , as many of them are now said to be having second thoughts of their own .
21 Many of them are only followed for the first pitch , either because they finish up easier slabs ( which might well suit some people ) or become much harder .
22 Neither of them are obviously connected with lovers or courting couples .
23 I mean all of them are obviously going to need equipment explained to them
24 But all of them are constantly watching the keyboard for their particular call up command and it is possible that one command may affect more than one accessory — with predictable , and disastrous , results !
25 Alex has horrific memories and we know that many of them are still locked inside .
26 Now if you think about commercial potatoes and the ones that keep , the late ones , they are always harvested after the have died down , a long time after , in fact some of them are still digging up potatoes now .
27 There are a number of fine amphitheatres extant in a partly ruined condition and several of them are still used for performances of opera or for bull fights .
28 Engineers and some metallurgists resisted the idea with the whole force of their emotions and even today some of them are still making growling noises in caves in the backwoods .
29 ’ They never have any trouble with their parents most of them are too wrapped up in their work and their money to take an interest in what their children are doing anyway .
30 Then we do get odd cases of that , but again the m the majority of them are never reported .
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