Example sentences of "[prep] they [verb] [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 find it had been better for them to have left their in the bank !
2 Ever since , work with and for them has filled their lives .
3 Preston sometimes thought that Mother Bernie and William between them had ruined whatever chance he 'd ever had of a normal sex life .
4 He hung on to the semicircular rail around the outer edge , where they were standing because the businessmen who had got in after them had jostled them there , and she saw that his eyes were closed and that he had gone gray with fear about the drop .
5 I wondered whether it was because neither of them had stirred herself to go through the contortions attendant upon attracting men , but it was n't that .
6 But not one of them had made her feel as if a candle had been set to kindling within her .
7 They were the first enemy troops he had ever seen and the sight of them had made him go pale .
8 Each of them had loved him .
9 Neither of them had heard his approach .
10 Some of them had asked her to marry them , but life had seemed too good to settle down .
11 ‘ Not unless one of them had asked me for a spare key — and no-one did . ’
12 The Speech Institute group was similar and perhaps a rival to the band directed by Miss Elsie Fogarty , who had done the choruses in Murder in the Cathedral , and I believe that one of them had asked me what were the chances of taking part in its successor .
13 It was the first time any one of them had asked her reasons for wanting to come across and see the New Year in , and she answered , ‘ Some men 's do , I suppose . ’
14 I told them how I had worked on the problem and now one of them had ruined my theory !
15 The majority of them had completed one , and sometimes two tours of operations , and to have survived thus far was unusual when most crews rarely lived to complete a single tour .
16 The rise of the middle-class was not , on the whole , predicated on an aspiration to join the aristocracy , whose way of life , especially during the Regency , met with a good deal of disapprobation ; but it was determined by the resolute intention of the new men to distance themselves in every possible way from the working-class , out of which so many of them had raised themselves .
17 So far neither of them had raised their voices , or only enough to be heard above Gordon 's din .
18 Neither of them had liked him at all .
19 Neither of them had said anything like that to the other for years .
20 Most of them had done their basic training in one of the Guards regiments and most had completed the Commando course .
21 Neither of them had done anything like this before .
22 Most of them had seen her at meetings or heard of her in connection with the ICO .
23 None of them had seen anything quite like this before .
24 Many of them had seen it at the synagogue meeting on the previous night , but now in the daylight they were able to examine it more closely and exclaim at its resplendence .
25 Many of them had seen it .
26 There were a lot of street girls and petty criminals , he called them his pros and cons , but one of them had seen my daughter Pippa a week earlier in a cafeteria somewhere near .
27 If he were to be an ‘ S. ’ also , a Stephen or a Sam , then how was she to know which of them had given her orders ?
28 One of them had called her ‘ a rude old sod ’ .
29 A hell of a roar went up in the canteen at lunch break when one of the shop stewards said that Clasper would go on fighting on behalf of the workers until every bloody one of them had lost their jobs .
30 Worse still , one of them had lost its lid and a sluggish , syrupy lake was already spreading across the floor .
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