Example sentences of "[prep] i as they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Trees and tree clumps have a special attraction for me as they symbolized my own introduction to Earth Mysteries , through Tony Wedd .
2 I do n't think they knew how to write for me as they did for Jackie and Russ [ William Russell ] .
3 For the fates as surely directed you to me as they directed my feet this morning to a path I never took before .
4 These two boys say nothing to me as they get in , first handing their weapons to their friends .
5 I began to alter my standards of hospitality , offering them my pale , cold face when their music grew louder , when they began laughing among themselves and did n't take the trouble to explain their jokes to me as they had before , or repeat their words until I understood what they were saying .
6 The armless NCO glared at me as they went past .
7 Several of my ex-pupils , some of whom I 'd first taught when they were 7 years old , grimaced at me as they carried on preparing their lunch .
8 The others just looked at me as they lay .
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