Example sentences of "[prep] it [vb -s] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is very attractive farmland , wide open fields , very intensively farmed , erm it 's very difficult to spot the aerodrome from driving round the area at all , erm some of it 's been taken up and incorporated into fields .
2 Erm the volume i i is tremendous and er one worries about the effect of the surging waters on such an old construction , now we far worse than and consequently the emergency services have had to consider all sorts of alternatives , some of which you see now with the piping on , on the surface of it 's been having a good result the immediate problem , but you ca n't stop there and the emergency team have given consideration to all sorts of other possible temporary solutions in the event or that the pumping failed and er I think that 's possibly where this rumour about erm the railway line arrived but er I think Chairman I 've said enough , we all , we would all agree I think that the emergency workers have performed er I think we 're all pleased to see the army coming in erm and doing what they 've done and erm I certainly er appreciated the opportunity to come in on the old A Twenty Seven through West it took my mind back er many years I can tell you and erm I , I think congratulations all round are due , but I come back to what 's all saying and which I support as it would be a folly when the dust has settled erm to really take a an objective er position and see that er arrangements are in hand channels and things like that will not again be supercharged in the way they are .
3 It seems to me that lot of it 's been dominated by various sort of rather obscure sounding Germans .
4 The degree or rate of gloom is important even when the fact of it has been accepted .
5 It is therefore not usually appropriate for the original SPR to be circulated widely before considerable interpretation of it has been made .
6 It is therefore not usually appropriate for the original SPR to be circulated widely before considerable interpretation of it has been made .
7 The poetry of China is even more extensive than that of Europe , and only the surface of it has been scratched by the West .
8 There 's a , apparently a lot of it has been affected by Georgia 's not that far away is it ?
9 Some of it has been disturbed by later developments : the site of the Early Iron Age , classical and Hellenistic city of Knossos overlaps with that of the Minoan city ( Hood and Smyth 1981 ) — but nevertheless much remains to be excavated .
10 Some of it has been seen as justifiable because it seeks to ensure competition and prevent monopoly .
11 Well quite an amount of it has been done already .
12 The literature on accounting theory is relatively new ( the bulk of it has been generated over the last 50 years ) , and it has , until recently , been almost exclusively concerned with public limited companies ( Whittington , 1986 ) .
13 And I often say that young ladies who are looking over their shoulder like this , you 've got ta be careful of the neck because when they turn round and look over their shoulder you get creases in the neck , and there is a slight crease in the neck there but most of it has been disguised by covering it with her hair , so look out for that when you have a young lady , or anybody , looking over their shoulder , particularly with young ladies , when they look over their shoulder like that it does cause creases in the side of the neck which can be unsightly .
14 But much of it has been regarded as stemming from forces eager to interfere with and undermine the free economy , shifting the locus of decision from the market place and into the political arena .
15 The satisfaction may be deflected or inhibited after a certain degree of it has been obtained , and then Freud speaks of ‘ instincts which are inhibited in respect of their aim ’ .
16 They therefore rarely see ‘ the complete picture ’ and tend to lose track of an issue once discussion of it has been concluded .
17 It is possible that the beach on the exposed portions of the coast was originally much wider and that much of it has been destroyed by marine erosion at the present sea level , whereas it has been almost completely preserved in the narrow straits .
18 Most of it has been proved wrong .
19 Once most of it has been removed , put the paint brush back in clean turps for about half an hour , and repeat .
20 The bulk of it has been removed , but the 50-year-old wooded floor remained .
21 Tarragona Cathedral was begun in 1171 and has mainly pointed arches , but is predominantly Romanesque in its heavy construction and masonry though some of it has been rebuilt later .
22 A customised robust variant of it has been designed for the Ministry of Defence under quality-assurance procedures .
23 Most of it has been demolished but some forms part of Kings Mill House .
24 In a three-quarter view of the head the knot of hair at the back of the head is seen as in a profile view , and the double outline of the foremost shoulder gives the impression that the top of it has been tipped up into the picture plane .
25 ‘ It 's very rare we get an application of this nature and unfortunately 80pc of it has been thrown out and lost to the people of Derwentside .
26 Some of it has been established ‘ good practice ’ for several years , such as Portage , singled out for mention in the Warnock Report .
27 A lot of it has been focused on my body — first for being too fat , now for being too thin .
28 Much of it has been known before , from the account published by J. C. Masterman — one of the MI5 men concerned — in 1972 .
29 Some of it has been reclaimed for housing , new industry or agriculture but much remains to disfigure the landscape .
30 Because the land here is valuable most of it has been bought for shops and offices , many rebuilt in high multi-storey blocks .
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