Example sentences of "[prep] it [subord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm known to be keen to earn extra money on overtime , so I volunteer for everything and I get most of it because wait for it — I am prized !
2 However , the male platypus also makes use of it when competing for territory along a river , although its effect on rival males is not known .
3 We shall misunderstand nomadic society if we think of it as composed of tribes whose membership is determined exclusively by blood relationships .
4 So , ‘ the distinctive feature of Christian piety lies in the fact that whatever alienation from God there is in the phases of our experience , we are conscious of it as an action originating in ourselves , which we call Sin ; but whatever fellowship with God there is , we are conscious of it as resting upon a communication from the Redeemer , which we call Grace ’ .
5 He wrote of it as coming from invisible seeds or spores .
6 To help decide on the relevance of a piece of information you can ask questions of it as suggested in Question Analysis .
7 In his Latin work Incendium Amoris ( The Fire of Love ) Rolle talks of it as kindling for the " fire which consumes everything which is dark " ( Prologue.4 ) , an element which he recognises as the final reality .
8 F five , now all of these you 've got to increase e something by something there so you 've got to change each of those percentages you 've got to think of it as added to a hundred and then the decimal equivalent .
9 So fine is the distinction that in truth the High Court has a choice before it whether to interfere with an inferior court on a point of law .
10 In particular I want to consider what conceptions skilled and unskilled workers hold ‘ in their minds ’ about their working environment and authority within it as represented by management and , conversely , what conceptions managers hold in their minds about the status and process of management .
11 Sometimes I braved the elements and went out to the garage and thought about a hosepipe on the exhaust of the car , but I was never brave enough to face real oblivion , although when I went to bed at night , I used to refer to it as slipping into oblivion .
12 Let us say that the meaning of a statement is cognitive if and only if there is a certain belief such that one is speaking either insincerely or incorrectly if one makes that statement or assents to it as uttered by another without having that belief .
13 Brian Elphick had been on Lambeth 's housing list for twelve years , having insinuated himself on to it when engaged to a woman he never married .
14 Today many people reject the story of the flood and yet the Lord Jesus Christ made specific reference to it when speaking of His promised return .
15 — ‘ Non , ’ Alyssia said , mastering the French word and deciding that it had a certain ring to it when used in conversation with this particular woman .
16 Next in importance would come the discovery in 1964 of the cosmic background itself , by two scientists from the US Bell Labs , Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson , who stumbled on it while looking for ways of eliminating noise in radio receivers .
17 b ) Place strip 1 on your desk and carefully put the ¼ piece , from the second strip , beside it as shown on the side .
18 He revealed the background of his little failing and what he was doing about it when talking to me about our tele-coaching scheme .
19 The point is that many an insect was saved by an exceedingly slight resemblance to a twig or a leaf or a fall of dung , on occasions when it was far away from a predator , or on occasions when the predator was looking at it at dusk , or looking at it through a fog , or looking at it while distracted by a receptive female .
20 There hardly could be a harder act to follow than Gary Armstrong , universally rated the outstanding scrum-half in the world game , but Andrew Nicol of Dundee High School FP made an impressive stab at it when thrown to the English wolves at Murrayfield on January 18 .
21 Kenneth came across it while returning from a far-flung artist 's studio where he 'd been to purchase a John Miller watercolour for my birthday .
22 To those humans who , given mastery of space , preferred to vault across it than to linger in orbit and build there , Mars and its hurtling moons had been the first great benefit of the gift .
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