Example sentences of "[prep] it [coord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Within a few months of reaching its greatest height , nothing remained of it but a heap of rubble .
2 Harriet took no notice of it but a minute or two later there was a tap at her door and a maid stood there with one of the portable receivers — there was no extension in Harriet 's room .
3 Arthur left her to a mug of it and a Beatles record .
4 Spatial boundaries may vary in their openness , the degree to which they permit outsiders to inspect the phenomenon in question , to find out what goes on and to gain thereby a knowledge of it and a competence in dealing with it .
5 Where a house has a river in front of it and a bridge across the river with a sign saying the bridge is dangerous , this is not an adequate warning , as any visitor has no choice as to whether to use the bridge .
6 The room was spacious , with two large windows and a cast-iron fireplace which was obviously used , for log baskets stood either side of it and an airer hung with bell-bottomed trousers and thick navy-blue sweaters swung above it .
7 The application must be supported by an affidavit setting out the grounds for the application , whether or not the official receiver has been informed of it and an estimate of the value of the assets of the debtor .
8 Since I assume that readers will be familiar with the problem , this chapter will not be a straightforward restatement of it or a listing of offensive usages .
9 In order for a solar panel ( or solar collector ) to work efficiently , it must be well insulated which means putting insulation material behind it and a glass cover in front .
10 Well we had a old wooden crane aboard the dredger , that was all hand power , that 's just the old wooden derrick and when they got up to the , up to the dock , they had a , cos they had a crane paint with it or a steam crane .
11 But a loveable man with it and a smile on him to the last .
12 There were several red-tipped pins protruding from it and an area of Soho had been ringed in red marker pen .
13 And there 's a field there , and there 's nothing , a couple of ponies in it and a caravan and when one of those died is it last year , or the year before there was one of the biggest funerals ever seen !
14 They found two soldiers in civilian clothes in it and a Thompson sub-machine gun .
15 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
16 In the shallow sloping terraced garden , with drystone retaining walls , there is a sunken circular garden with a seat all round it and a slate floor which was used for having tea in the shade on boiling afternoons .
17 Already it seemed that the wedding was to be an ending and nothing lay beyond it but a prospect as vague and as shadowy as one of Robert 's landscapes .
18 An eight-span steel-arched road bridge is to be built over it and a channel is being dug to divert the river while the work is underway .
19 A loaded trolley had a white cloth that looked pink draped over it and an oxygen cylinder was just visible in a dark corner .
20 Landolfo 's new church had a Benedictine monastery attached to it and a hospice opposite for orphans , the little Children of San Celso .
21 To me , the smell is not unlike fresh human ‘ BO ’ , but a bit sweeter ; it also has quite a peppery hint to it and a touch of wood smoke .
22 Well I reckon it 's gon na take us three and a half hours to get to the other end , so two and a half hours to it and an hour on it if it 's not too bad and then of course we 've got to go up from there to Ipswich , Woodbridge but it 's dual carriageway all the way now you see .
23 It has a hackneyed , distasteful , condescending ring to it and an overview by its very nature risks marginalising and trivialising a group of totally unique individuals whose artistic endeavours can not be conveniently grouped underneath one big frilly umbrella .
24 The Suffolk 's head is big with a broad forehead , and often with a star on it or a shim or blaze down the face ; the neck deep in the collar and tapering to a graceful setting of the head ; the shoulders long and muscular and thrown well back at the withers .
25 I would n't have minded if I 'd had a bump on my head , a cross on it or a bullet through it .
26 The most promising newcomer was John Durward who is very interested in Scottish history , so Terry presented him with a book on it and a shield .
27 He brought over a tray with a silver coffee service on it and a pair of exquisite bone china cups , settling himself opposite her , his face grave .
28 the lad with the Porsche offered three thousand with four brand new tyres on it and a year 's M O T , that 's what he offered when the
29 Oh yes , it was a leather er erm a piece of leather with three tongs on it and a handle to it , and er you used to have this strap on your hand .
30 I 've fiddled around with it a bit , put a Wilkinson bridge/tremolo on it and a Wilkinson nut .
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