Example sentences of "[prep] it [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Locking beef up in a cold store , paying the storage man to look after it and then paying more to export it is not a sensible use of Community money and it does not reach the farmer .
2 So I 'm sorry Mr Chairman if the report is doom and gloom but that is the situation that does prevail we will endeavour to work to the best of our ability , or the lack of it but please remember the constraints that we are under and if we have got any views , to stand , and if we do want to help the people in Dundee and we do want to stop the government pilfering the British Rail pension scheme
3 If this is the case then you must be aware of it and carefully note the reasons for such differences of opinion .
4 After the next kick off , Arse reckon they 'll try that again , only this time Lukic jumps at the ball on the edge of his area , makes a nerve-jangling hoke of it and nearly lets it get to an Arse player before scrabbling it away .
5 A notice may have been served with regard to an intention by a local authority compulsorily to purchase the property or part of it and again notices may have been received by the seller where the property is subject to occupation by a tenant .
6 Rather than just putting these numbers into your I mean you will put these numbers into your calculator , but do it with that , leave leave your C R out of it and just keep it as T.
7 Planting can be done in spring or autumn , and increase is by division , or by seed sown in spring , or early autumn ; the wild Madder , R. peregrina , may be a variety of it and also contains a pinkish dye .
8 What we find is that sometimes people have taken out policies some years ago and they 've actually forgotten what their money 's doing for them so erm that 's another side of it and also to introduce our new financial planning service erm and in doing so we may be able to highlight areas in which we could save you money er for example erm saving you money on tax or increasing your income either now or some time in the future .
9 But he thought better of it and slowly breathed out the air through his nose .
10 I get a real kick out of it and thoroughly enjoy doing it .
11 Okay so that 's how you , that 's how you 'd do three quarters you 'd say well I could find a quarter of it and then cut it all up into quarters and then I 'll take three pieces , three quarters .
12 At this point Fleischmann decided that as the whole thing was going ahead , then he should make the best of it and then get away for home in England immediately .
13 of it and then get up the A twelve
14 then you need to write cork next to it , draw a picture of it and then write it .
15 He stood in front of it and then turned slowly to face the Square , willing his salvation .
16 Yeah well at least I 'd get rid of it and then start again .
17 So I do just wonder if I could n't pick out point say 1 and 2 of Q P5 and 6 which are about booking and booking forms and confirming the commission of qualitative through to whatever is required during the run off of it and then add the quality control check and finally you have got this , the final review .
18 But despite the handicap Essex made a terrific fight of it and only went down off the penultimate ball .
19 ‘ Why not ? ’ said Mr. Jenkins , wide awake with the cheek of it and now taking not one but two pieces of her best fruitcake .
20 The British created MacAuthor was there well ahead of it and now enjoys some considerable success among the serious writing fraternity .
21 If local services can promise relief of one kind or another , you may be able to undertake the care , make a better job of it and still save local services some money .
22 Minton , though very definitely a part of the circle , was also contemptuous of it and never lost an opportunity to poke fun at it .
23 Now what I 'd like to do today is to erm take you round the house in a moment or two , see what you think of it and really to treat this as something whereby you see if you want to come and help us .
24 You should make a note of it and always quote it in any application or enquiries about your driving licence .
25 There was an open war going on between the child and the nun , and the class was aware of it and daily seemed to await events .
26 There was a tin hut at the end of it and inside sat a ticket collector asleep over the counter .
27 I start towards it and then stop .
28 And you go past it and then turn right , no .
29 ‘ I 've never seen a scene like it and never want to again , ’ said Mr Yoxall as he surveyed the carnage .
30 That was how she described it to herself , although what it really meant was that he took her to bed whenever he felt like it and occasionally gave her an absent-minded smile backstage .
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