Example sentences of "[prep] their [noun pl] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Many public sector employers do not bother to tell single parents about their rights in this situation , so ask your personnel or payroll department what your dependants will receive on your death .
2 Any mothers who 've married off their daughters in this dictatorial way , saying you must have this dress !
3 That is a thoroughly unsatisfactory way of calling our Heads of Government and that Council to democratic account for their actions to this House and to our people .
4 Others among them may form consistently unfortunate or unhappy heterosexual relationships without realising the true reason for their failures in this area ; for these , realisation of their homosexual needs and urges could be a step towards release from a heterosexual bondage .
5 And Blackburn are desperately fighting for their lives in this league cup competition .
6 They get little or no publicity for their efforts in this area — quite deliberately .
7 Outside the chamber , they are asked constantly for their views on this or that issue .
8 ‘ They 're playing for their futures at this club , ’ he said .
9 The voucher holders , who also hold a gold card , will be queueing up at Roker Park for their tickets throughout this week .
10 They walked round all day with their heads slumped between their shoulders like this ’ — he took up the appropriate attitude — ‘ instead of like this , as the British do . ’
11 Even a writer such as Elizabeth Roberts , who has a very strong view of women 's sense of responsibility towards their relatives during this period , acknowledges that old people living with relatives but unable to contribute any longer to the household economy might well be ‘ neglected ’ or ‘ pushed into a corner ’ through force of circumstances : ‘ Although the duty to care for relatives was a paramount one , rarely ignored , it is also true to say that the quality of care varied from the dreadful to the superb ’ ( Roberts , 1984 , p. 179 ) .
12 Though the trombones are capable , in a limited degree , of a certain amount of rapidity of execution , opportunities for the exploitation of their powers in this direction are rare in the orchestra .
13 This is likely to be resisted by the investors on the basis that they may not be aware of the full import of their investigations at this stage .
14 I was very lucky , though , to be given a key ; some of my colleagues had to rouse both the bodies and the ire of their landlords at this unsocial hour .
15 Appointing authorities take no responsiblity for the validity of their appointments in this regard : see 10.7.2 .
16 From 1976 to 1980 they were allowed to use 20 per cent of their contributions in this way , from 1981 to 1985 they were allowed to use 50 per cent , and since then the permitted ratio has been 60 per cent .
17 It would be ambitious , therefore , on the basis of their similarities with this mosaic , to include the basic concentric circular arrangements from Cirencester or Lydney .
18 Because speakers view their voices as an important part of their self-images in this way , they are often unhappy about being recorded without their knowledge .
19 This was a process which extended over a long period , and in the seventeenth century the extent of their privileges in this respect was still far from clear .
20 This happened rather often , and if the inhabitants of Oswaldston had not mostly been shut up in front of their televisions at this time of day , it might already have given rise to some talk .
21 To begin with , it was suggested , they should allocate a quarter of their places to this scheme , but eventually all their places should be open to pupils with state grants .
22 Then , in 1393 , a provisional agreement was reached giving the English Calais ( which they already held ) and that part of Aquitaine south of the river Charente ( much of south-west France which was largely out of their hands at this time ) , all this to be alienated to Gaunt in the near future .
23 There were many others as well as myself put out or deprived of their parks about this time to make room for Webster [ the under factor for whom the house at Daill Farm was built ] .
24 Achievement conscious pupils may conspire with their teachers in this process of limitation too , drawing them back to safer pedagogical ground when exploration threatens to divert them from their examination destination .
25 There is a lot of justification for his and hers clothes and various other personal items , but we always feel that couples who continue to deal with their finances in this way are missing a part of the oneness that others experience .
26 Liefmans plan to impress potential customers with their products at this month 's Innovate 91 exhibition in London where they will have a stand in the ‘ Real Ale Village ’ .
27 Parents may need to sit with their children during this learning phase to encourage them to stay seated and to talk to them and distract them with stories and play .
28 It was above all grandmothers who came to live with their children in this way : five times as many as grandfathers .
29 But not everyone wants to mix purely with their peers at this age any more than at any other .
30 With an appropriately warmer acoustic than some of the other recordings in this series , these are sound and generally idiomatic performances which can hold their own with their rivals in this price range .
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