Example sentences of "[prep] their [noun sg] [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 When a beam of light strikes the atoms or molecules of the medium , the electrons are perturbed or displaced and oscillate about their equilibrium positions with the same frequency as the exciting beam .
2 ‘ We are committed to the development of rugby league in Wales and will be monitoring their progress on the international scene during their home fixtures with New Zealand and France next season . ’
3 Consequently they are achieving more than any other regional heavy metal bands through their tie ups with Hammer horror films and , coming soon , the London Philharmonic Orchestra !
4 Company-based amateurism is not real amateurism because owners try to invite excellent domestic or foreign players for their company clubs with the assurance of company works , as Sugawara said in his letter .
5 Ĺeonie 's birthday was a week after Thérèse 's , in mid July , just before she and Madeleine set off for their summer holidays with the family in France .
6 We 're all aware that for th for their number patients with superficial bladder cancer provide an enormous amount of our workload , and for reasons partly of husbanding our precious resources and also because lots of these patients come up with negative checks reducing the amount of irritation and upset to them it would be useful if we could do less than we do .
7 By contrast , even those who have spent all of their working lives with Leyland in the UK are being given no more than the minimum provided by the state .
8 We asked the Tony & Guy team to share a few of their style secrets with us .
9 For the largest and most prominent buildings , located in that city 's Whitworth Street area , colourful cladding of their steel skeletons with elaborately moulded glazed terracotta blocks was de rigueur .
10 John Gillis has shown from a study of the London Foundling Hospital that higher servants , such as ladies ' maids , seem to have been particularly vulnerable which may be explained by the contradictions they experienced in attempting to combine customs of courtship and marriage appropriate to women of their class backgrounds with the standards of conduct expected by their employers .
11 To see whether patients with colonic carcinoma and inflammatory bowel disease show raised serum concentrations of sICAM-1 , we compared the content of sICAM-1 in their serum samples with the sICAM-1 concentrations in samples of 19 healthy blood donors .
12 They look all happy and warm together , wrapped up in their winter coats with this sparkly stuff round their necks like a scarf .
13 These exhibits were mostly just single figures , not set out in any kind of tableau , but isolated in their stage clothes with just a name plate for company .
14 Dealers may also wish to consider including appropriate and reasonable exemption clauses in their supply contracts with respect to advice-giving computer systems .
15 THE French government yesterday attempted to end months of intermittent industrial action by dockers and a 40-year union stranglehold over their working conditions with new legislation to reform French ports .
16 For the players , there was the prospect of returning to their day jobs with £50 in their pockets , for the landlord there was a healthy night 's takings and for the crowd , even those who had stayed in the bar all evening , there was a nasty ringing in the ears the next morning .
17 Toads hibernate during the winter , and become active again when the temperature rises to about 6°C , migrating to their breeding ponds with the first mild weather of the spring .
18 The troops were delivered to their start lines with the traditional logistical efficiency of the US armed forces .
19 Since last May many of these same passers-by have come face to face on their TV screens with the agony , desolation and despair of the people of Ethiopia and the Sudan .
20 Crawford , David Hemmings , Susan George , Judy Geeson , Olivia Hussey and Francesca Annis all started out on their film careers with the foundation .
21 The two men lay stretched out on their truckle beds with bowls of water placed round the room to attract the bugs .
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