Example sentences of "[prep] which we [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The grant for 1988 falls short by £7000 and is one a reducing scale for the following 3 years after which we are told there will be no further grant .
2 Knowing my right hon. Friend 's concern for birds and particularly for our very valuable poultry industry , will he keep an eye on the latest scare for our ’ bootiful ’ turkey industry and ensure that that nonsense about which we are hearing — podo dermatitus — does not turn out to be a load of gobbledegook ?
3 Entities , being elements of a specifically linguistic domain which we shall call the intensional level , may or may not have a referent in some real or imaginary external world ; we can certainly talk about an entity while uncertain of the existence of any related " thing " in the world about which we are speaking , or even while explicitly rejecting such an existence .
4 All that is on top of the emergency accommodation to which I have just referred and about which we are talking to Single Homeless in London .
5 We reach the Welsh border in five hours , but soon lose our way and travel thirty miles in the wrong direction , during which we are stopped by the Welsh police .
6 Well certainly not in the period during which we 're going to be discussing the various submissions , er un un at the E I P , now Mr Heselton , erm in a way your comments yesterday would probably be taken that Selby could cope , or would be prepared to cope , even with additional development , now you better sa tell me whether that 's true or false , and I 'm thinking particularly of that element of Greater Sel , of Selby which is in Greater York .
7 The market is the mechanism through which we 're forced to be competitive .
8 To criticise language for being ‘ misleading ’ as to the state of affairs in the real world is to tilt at windmills , because language is not so much a limpid pool through which we are to glimpse the truth as a muddy pond full of the debris of history and ideology .
9 I start on the same note as the Prime Minister and my right hon. Friend — by recognising the historic nature of the events through which we are living .
10 As ‘ sacrament ’ it stands for the sacrifice of the cross through which we were brought near to God .
11 But this is the very ability for which we are trying to account .
12 The general approach of the Firm in interpreting the ICAEW rules as to being ‘ satisfied that the client can be regarded as a corporate finance client ’ is that consideration must be given to the client 's knowledge and experience appropriate to the specific activity to be undertaken — ie both the investment activity for which we are advising and the business activity in which the target operates .
13 And for which we are paying too much .
14 We made special provision for the homelessness problem last year , and my hon. Friend the Minister with responsibility for housing will be making a further announcement in the next day or two about the homeless figures for which we are making additional provision in the current year .
15 Dr ‘ Bothwell ’ Because we 're so over-burdened by relative trivia and social problems , we can not utilise the skills for which we 're trained … we 're trained to treat medical problems …
16 The exceptions for which we 're working on block contracts are :
17 All over the world we are rising up and refusing the exploited identity for which we were conditioned .
18 ‘ About 2 o'clock , when within about 4 miles of Green Island , for which we were tacking , Mr. Gould went off in a boat with the hope of reaching it before us , and of finding some penguin 's eggs which he is much in want off [ sic ] .
19 What we have dreams of , what we have hardly dared to hope , but towards which we were straining all our will and all our strength , was coming into being over there . "
20 They 're obsessed by the shit out of which we 're shaped ( surgery ) , the shit that could befall us ( horrible accidents ) , the shit in our souls ( the drives and impulses we suppress and expel in order to constitute ourselves as normal , but which sometimes break free in perversion or psychosis ) .
21 It 's this fall , this unseating of our lofty conception of ourselves ( as conscious , self-determining spirits ) that Butthole Surfers love to induce : hence the fascination with surgery ( exposing the meat and muck out of which we 're made ) , with lapses into the unreason of psychosis or perversion .
22 She asks us if the cinema in front of which we 're standing , the one with the large sign saying ‘ Odeon Mezzanine ’ , could in fact by any chance be the Odeon Mezzanine .
23 Seventy five percent is taken in through the eyes of which we 're gon na recall about fifty percent , so fifty percent of that seventy five percent yeah ?
24 We use this to cast light on a metaphor of which we are given no other interpretation .
25 These stars converted some of the original hydrogen and helium into elements like carbon and oxygen , out of which we are made .
26 The reason why we 're having to go to a higher figure now is there are two major areas of land , er one is the land behind the railway station , the British Rail land , and the other is the land at a a location called St Nicholas Field , a former household waste site , both of which we are taking steps to bring forward for development .
27 Although this is not a matter in respect of which we are asked to grant any relief , I believe that Lautro should reconsider its practice in this respect , and consider deferring the issue of a press notice until after the person affected has had the opportunity to apply for the notice to be rescinded and to make representations to that effect , and Lautro 's board have ruled in the application .
28 On the day of which we are speaking , the mother came home from work and was surprised to find her daughter not yet in from school .
29 To enhance the value of any land of which we are disposing , we often need planning permission , which we can obtain only with the help of local authorities .
30 By the end of that book , though , they have got to the 13th March , some eight days later than the last events of which we are told in Book III .
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