Example sentences of "[prep] which he [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On one occasion he is said to have decorated the whole of the College in three days after which he could still outlast anyone on the dance floor .
2 He did this by bringing a camera up to his face , through which he could nevertheless still see the tiger 's actions .
3 In a move for which he would later pay , he called for the persecution of Deng Xiaoping , who was banished from office and attacked as second only to Liu as China 's ‘ leading capitalist roader ’ .
4 The Knack also provided Crawford with the opportunity to do the sort of daredevil stunts for which he would later become famous .
5 After signing the accord , the Czechoslovak Prime Minister , Marian Calfa said it was a milestone on the way to Czechoslovakia becoming a full EC member , for which he would now press .
6 Churchill , who at first thought it was the Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster which was the proposition and for which he would happily have settled , accepted the greater post with tears in his eyes and an expression of grateful loyalty .
7 And he besought his mother that she would love her even as she loved him himself , and that she would do good to her and show her great honour , for which he should ever serve her with the better good will .
8 Santa Anna lost so much time and so many men in a pyrrhic victory , for which he need never have fought in the first place , that when he finally met the full Texan force under General Sam Houston he was utterly defeated .
9 But these identities are no longer lurid alibis towards which he might credibly escape ; they are playthings , alternative lives issued under licence by the celebrated author .
10 Jakobson 's answer to this argument is , however , a powerful one : all users of a language must necessarily know the system of categories into which its different elements are divided , even if only unconsciously ; and his analysis of poetry does not claim to represent what goes on in the reader 's mind , but to account for the special effect which the poetry , for reasons of which he may well be unaware , exercises on him .
11 Looking back , I can not deny that the grant of the licence was something of which he could legitimately complain , but his capacity for complaints exceeded any normal human being 's by a very large measure .
12 Muller will watch from the stand knowing he is destined to face the England B team at Bristol on Saturday in preparation for a confrontation of which he could once only dream of : ‘ Facing Will Carling and Jeremy Guscott at Twickenham . ’
13 Mr Ballantine received a prison sentence of 18 months ( of which he will probably serve a year or less ) , and a five-year driving ban .
14 Reformation in feeling is the state in which man experiences something of an ultimate reality of which he will only be fully aware after death .
15 He despised the ease with which he could now engage in a life beyond the mightiest exertions of the man he had been born to be .
16 It seemed Noah wanted the magistrate to find nothing with which he could possibly take issue .
17 To every child in this country , there is one language with which he must necessarily be familiar , and by that , and by that alone he has the power of drawing directly from one of the great literatures of the world .
18 In his left hand he held a pocket Philips dictaphone into which he would occasionally confide ; in his right , a pencil poised over a reporter 's pad .
19 To the person with a simple doubt , a helpful discussion , a suggested book or a more detailed explanation may be enough to show him the way along which he can eagerly search for himself .
20 The Duke turned Friar in Measure for Measure cultivates at least two different prose-styles , a plain and business-like one for his benevolent deceptions , and that of a moralist disappointed with the world — a persona within which he can also rise to more serious denunciatory verse as the occasion warrants ( for verse within this prose role see III.ii. 19–39 ; 261–82 ; IV.ii. 108–13 ) .
21 Captain Cook broached the forbidding shores of west New Guinea , and lost several men there in a fight with the Asmat cannibals , under circumstances similar to those in which he would later lose his own life in the Hawaiian Islands .
22 He continued sending her letters in which he would religiously detail the fortunes of The Wedding Present and continually reaffirm his deep love for her .
23 But what people notice about Anthony is the way he holds his head down , that he 'll hardly ever look you in the eye , and the manner in which he will suddenly turn his whole head away if ever there is disagreement or he is challenged in some way .
24 But to Dustin 's credit he recognised it as a role in which he could immediately dissociate himself from the whole ‘ image ’ concept of acting , as well as prove that , ‘ I was a character actor , not just this nebbish kid that Nichols found .
25 He was arrested and tortured in German and Italian prisons , and once was confined in a bottle-dungeon in which he could neither sit nor stand up .
26 Well , of course , there 's a sense in which he could easily have prayed for them , but at that moment , in that particular place , that was not God 's purpose .
27 If she did , he would know at once that there were certain ways in which he could still get to her .
28 He would , I said , do himself an immense disservice which he would indeed regret and from which he would never recover .
29 The gunpowder either killed the poor man or caused such grievous wounds as to send him into a swoon from which he would never recover .
30 Montano reacts to this inversion of the truth with the correct response ( assuming it to be true ) which Iago has elicited from him , namely that Othello ought to be told ; at which point Iago demurs , with the pretence of friendship : From that declaration , after the ensuing brawl , Iago has built himself a platform from which he can now act the perfect friend : As we alone know , to get the truth from what Iago says about Cassio one must simply invert everything he says .
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