Example sentences of "[prep] which i could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Pink-eyed and lachrymose , I returned to the lens boutique in the Earls Court Road ( on the cornea actually ) and complained bitterly that the lenses were a pair of over-priced disasters through which I could neither see nor play Neil Simon .
2 Pink-eyed and lachrymose , I returned to the lens boutique in the Earls Court Road ( on the cornea , actually ) and complained bitterly that the lenses were a pair of over-priced disasters through which I could neither see nor play Neil Simon .
3 He showed me one , magnifying 520 times , made of yttrium-aluminium-garnet , an artificial gemstone , mounted against a microscope slide , through which I could clearly see the tadpole-shaped trypanosomes that cause sleeping sickness .
4 And with a most clumsy technique , the audacity and crudeness of which I could hardly believe .
5 Our respective manners proved so widely different , that it would have been quite presumptuous in me to do anything but separate from an undertaking upon which I could only have been a clog . ’
6 He suggested that I write about poor women , and the only way in which I could honestly do that was to go and live among them , and I knew that you and Uncle Orrin would never agree to that .
7 I joined in the debate because I felt that this was one issue to which I could meaningfully contribute .
8 The awful , abrupt finality of a man pitching forward , so easily , so arbitrarily terminated — the convenience of it to the killer : they were things to which I could never become habituated , however many times I saw it .
9 The drop down to half-moon Rhossili Bay below me was almost sheer , and the sea was striped with shimmering blue and white as endlessly long parallel lines of surf moved in slow motion towards the expanse of sand , on which I could just make out a few figures as tiny specks .
10 It had a red and yellow band on which I could just read the word Cubana .
11 By this time the " All Clear " sounded and there was a certain amount of light by which I could plainly see I was in what appeared to be an MT parking lot , When the rear gunner returned he reported that we were in the Manston MT yard .
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