Example sentences of "[prep] which in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't attend the dinner , for which in a way I 'm now sorry , and Pound never forgot or forgave .
2 We were standing above the clouds , which formed a thick , bulbous ocean at our feet , out of which in every direction rose mountain tops like islands .
3 Jakki had just returned from an idyllic holiday in America ( more of which in a moment ) when she was told to get back on a plane because the Material girl had finally agreed to give an interview on Radio One .
4 The significant points to note from this passage are firstly the way in which the blood of delivery is unclean ; secondly the way in which in the case of a boy 's birth circumcision intrudes in the text and interrupts both the period of the mother 's pollution and the account of that pollution ; and thirdly , the way in which the woman is finally cleansed of her impurity through the blood of sacrifice as administered by a circumcised male .
5 Above all , attention has concentrated on the ways in which in the course of time they managed to transform their basis of subsistence , increase and concentrate populations and by making possible a finer subdivision of labour promote advances in technology which in turn generated further cycles of progressive change .
6 you were really kicking your heels and erm quite apart from which in the winter time the er conditions were pretty grim because they had the erm anti-splinter netting over the windows and erm big blinds which had to be drawn as soon as it was dusk because er , of course you were n't allowed to show a light and erm if that was it became really thick
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