Example sentences of "[prep] which [noun sg] could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As the chart shows , the four weeks of the campaign have had almost no effect on voters ' opinions about which party could best handle the country 's non-economic as well as economic problems .
2 It is not easy to imagine anything in the behaviour of natural flowers for which evolution could conceivably have needed to program bees to anticipate regular changes in distance .
3 The grounds under which abortion could legally be carried out were greatly widened by the Abortion Act of 1967 , although these stop short of the ‘ abortion on demand ’ available in several other countries .
4 They enlarged the scope within which the police could prevent picketing and they greatly narrowed the scope within which picketing could lawfully be undertaken .
5 What he found difficult to accept was the size of the gap between winners and losers in a system in which inheritance could automatically make one a winner .
6 The railway station , in its incarnation as latter-day cathedral , castle , and caravanserai , was yet one more gigantic stage on which drama could daily unfold , casts of thousands could cavort , and modern technology could display its marvels and miracles .
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